WEBVTT 1 00:00:07.520 --> 00:00:08.390 Skeptic Psychic: Hello. 2 00:00:08.630 --> 00:00:18.970 Skeptic Psychic: and welcome once again to the skeptic side kick where we interestingly discuss topics and really get to know one another. How you doing to night, everybody. 3 00:00:18.990 --> 00:00:28.289 Skeptic Psychic: Abdul, and 5. I'm sorry. I sound like a complete, utter idiot. But what do you know tonight, Mr. Rogers. 4 00:00:28.570 --> 00:00:36.079 Skeptic Psychic: would you be my neighbor with me tonight is, of course, my my Co. Host and 5 00:00:36.260 --> 00:00:38.769 Skeptic Psychic: favorite sibling Kimber Rodriguez. 6 00:00:39.390 --> 00:00:54.270 Skeptic Psychic: Hey! How are you doing? Fine! I would normally go on such a grand old scale. But if you know. kind of an old hat, but you know you're my favorite sibling. Yes, I know. 7 00:00:54.390 --> 00:00:58.739 Skeptic Psychic: plus. There's only so many compliments you can give a person. 8 00:00:59.870 --> 00:01:03.430 Kim Rodriguez: Yes. So what's that? Repeating yourself? 9 00:01:04.290 --> 00:01:05.979 Kim Rodriguez: So what's new with you? 10 00:01:06.030 --> 00:01:18.590 Skeptic Psychic: Just working, working, working sleep and sleep and sleep and working work and sleep and sleep and sleeping sound like me. Yeah. But tonight we get to talk about one of my favorite topics. 11 00:01:19.250 --> 00:01:21.560 Kim Rodriguez: Yes, 12 00:01:22.050 --> 00:01:24.039 Kim Rodriguez: Before we get into the topic. 13 00:01:24.270 --> 00:01:43.380 Kim Rodriguez: There was a couple of things that I wanted to discuss. First of all, I had a an instance the other night. That was very interesting. I came in here to my dining area, where I've been recording lately, and turned on the light, and I saw like 14 00:01:43.800 --> 00:01:54.710 Kim Rodriguez: I don't know. I saw this out of the I don't know if it was my mind playing tricks on me, or or what. But when I turned on the light. I was looking down, and I thought I saw 15 00:01:55.190 --> 00:02:02.489 Kim Rodriguez: kind of like that smoke that I was telling you about the other day. We're close to the floor, and I almost got the feeling like it was a cat. 16 00:02:03.030 --> 00:02:08.190 Skeptic Psychic: the cat coming in to say Hello! The 17 00:02:08.530 --> 00:02:21.949 Kim Rodriguez: The way that it moved was kind of like, you know, the way a cat moves when they're like they rub up against you, and then they kind of curve their body to turn and look at you. That's the way it kind of was. So I just found that very interesting 18 00:02:22.160 --> 00:02:24.289 Kim Rodriguez: and wanted to share that 19 00:02:24.980 --> 00:02:34.420 Kim Rodriguez: Also, I know there was something else I wanted to discuss tonight. Let me see if I can find it again. 20 00:02:35.800 --> 00:02:40.410 Kim Rodriguez: Talk amongst yourself, tell us about you and what's new with you while I look this up. 21 00:02:40.540 --> 00:02:51.850 Skeptic Psychic: Well, I've been let's see, I just been working I actually been doing a lot of research on this topic of the hollow earth. Do you know. 22 00:02:52.130 --> 00:03:00.320 Skeptic Psychic: hopefully, you know, I got some interesting people that will comment like share it. Even join our Facebook group 23 00:03:00.360 --> 00:03:05.520 which if you're on an apple podcast or any other 24 00:03:05.670 --> 00:03:18.290 Skeptic Psychic: Youtube, that sort of thing, be sure to rate love us and give us a, some constructive criticism. And on apple podcasts we do require 5 stars. 25 00:03:18.910 --> 00:03:30.390 Skeptic Psychic: That's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5 stars. and for all of you out there. That really would like to make a comment or read your comment on the air. Don't matter if it's 26 00:03:30.760 --> 00:03:38.770 if you're telling us that we suck. But then, of course, we would like you to be honest, straightforward, and nice about it. 27 00:03:38.880 --> 00:03:40.930 Skeptic Psychic: So again 28 00:03:41.000 --> 00:03:42.090 Skeptic Psychic: live stars. 29 00:03:42.700 --> 00:03:51.170 Kim Rodriguez: Yes, now I remember what I wanted to discuss ready to be an ecommerce pioneer. Sorry about that. 30 00:03:51.410 --> 00:03:54.510 Kim Rodriguez: What I wanted to discuss. 31 00:03:55.900 --> 00:03:58.699 Skeptic Psychic: What did you like to know? Yes, I would. 32 00:03:59.840 --> 00:04:09.010 Kim Rodriguez: It was Youtube, I actually clicked on a video. I did not mean to but what I wanted to discuss was 33 00:04:09.150 --> 00:04:31.710 Kim Rodriguez: in the group that I'm in for one of our friendly pat, podcast that we follow the ghostly podcast in their group goes to society. There was a post that was made from a Youtube video where Chris Angel debunks all mind readers and psychics saying that all of them are false. 34 00:04:32.050 --> 00:04:36.350 Kim Rodriguez: So I just kinda wanted to see your thoughts on that. You know 35 00:04:36.810 --> 00:04:40.279 what you think of Criss Angel and his new 36 00:04:40.440 --> 00:04:42.979 Kim Rodriguez: claim that everyone is fake. 37 00:04:43.660 --> 00:04:56.790 Skeptic Psychic: Well, Chris, angels are fake. No, seriously, he's a very good magician, but because I do follow magicians. I've gone back in every trick 38 00:04:57.610 --> 00:05:06.240 Skeptic Psychic: that any great magician does can be brought broken down to the simple tricks that they teach you in the those little cheap. 39 00:05:06.890 --> 00:05:13.760 Skeptic Psychic: Magicians, kits. So yeah, I even know how he does his dangerous stunts. 40 00:05:15.420 --> 00:05:23.790 Skeptic Psychic: Yes, basically, from what I'm getting. I haven't watched the whole video yet. But, my! And if you've ever seen the remake of the fright Night movie. 41 00:05:23.960 --> 00:05:28.709 David Tennant's character is a parody of Chris Angel. 42 00:05:29.010 --> 00:05:35.959 Kim Rodriguez: Yes, I love his character in that movie. but you know 43 00:05:36.140 --> 00:05:46.060 Kim Rodriguez: the way I see he. I haven't watched the whole video yet, but I'm pretty sure he's probably trying to say that because he knows these tricks of magic that he could. 44 00:05:46.410 --> 00:05:53.750 Kim Rodriguez: He can point out the tricks that these people use to do their their readings. 45 00:05:54.340 --> 00:05:55.500 Kim Rodriguez: and 46 00:05:55.890 --> 00:06:04.140 Kim Rodriguez: I'm not gonna say that all psychics are true, because I knew I know there are some cheryl teams out there, but growing up 47 00:06:04.410 --> 00:06:05.910 Kim Rodriguez: with our mother 48 00:06:06.240 --> 00:06:18.289 Kim Rodriguez: growing up with you, I can definitely say that they're not all face. I'll even say that my favorite illusionist slash escape artists last magicians. 49 00:06:18.970 --> 00:06:21.329 Skeptic Psychic: Penjillet and Teller 50 00:06:21.500 --> 00:06:28.560 Skeptic Psychic: are fakes as well. They even admit themselves. We're fakes. Yes, we are magicians. Yes, magicians are fake. 51 00:06:28.660 --> 00:06:41.469 Kim Rodriguez: But that doesn't mean that all psychics are fake. I know some amazing psychics. I grew up with my mother and with you, and I saw what you both could do. 52 00:06:41.810 --> 00:06:46.170 Kim Rodriguez: and that was not a a trick by no means, I mean. 53 00:06:46.920 --> 00:07:05.949 Kim Rodriguez: but I would love to know what other people think if people watching or listening think that you know all psychics are faith. Let us know in the comments below. Or you can join our Facebook group. As you mentioned earlier, and you can give us your comments there, I'll post something about it. 54 00:07:06.600 --> 00:07:11.430 Kim Rodriguez: And yeah, let's go ahead and get into tonight's topic then. 55 00:07:11.620 --> 00:07:29.580 Skeptic Psychic: But again, tonight's topic is one of my favorite theories and discussions. Basically, we're going to be talking about the hollow earth. Now, most scientists believe that the earth has 3 layers, the crust, the mantle, and the core nothing else. 56 00:07:30.370 --> 00:07:35.309 Skeptic Psychic: But what if I told you that there are certain experts 57 00:07:35.860 --> 00:07:40.440 Skeptic Psychic: that believe that there is a world inside of our world. 58 00:07:43.350 --> 00:07:44.780 Skeptic Psychic: and 59 00:07:46.120 --> 00:07:49.209 Skeptic Psychic: sorry 60 00:07:50.290 --> 00:07:51.560 it 61 00:07:52.510 --> 00:07:57.640 Skeptic Psychic: With its own sun and body of water. What if I told you 62 00:07:57.850 --> 00:07:58.620 that 63 00:07:59.900 --> 00:08:05.420 Skeptic Psychic: there are interests to this location, both in the North Pole, the South Pole. 64 00:08:05.470 --> 00:08:13.959 Skeptic Psychic: as well as parts of Asia, North and South America. What would you say to that, my friend. 65 00:08:15.680 --> 00:08:17.479 Skeptic Psychic: welcome to the theory 66 00:08:18.520 --> 00:08:20.030 Skeptic Psychic: of the hollow earth! 67 00:08:20.150 --> 00:08:25.200 Kim Rodriguez: Now I know that there are the caverns in the caves that run, you know, below us 68 00:08:25.760 --> 00:08:27.140 Kim Rodriguez: at 69 00:08:28.300 --> 00:08:30.210 Kim Rodriguez: no, I don't know if 70 00:08:30.320 --> 00:08:37.940 Kim Rodriguez: the hollow earth goes into what is beneath those caverns in those caves, or if it includes those caverns in the caves. 71 00:08:38.520 --> 00:08:52.919 Kim Rodriguez: But I know like there's like here in the United States. All the caverns and caves are theoretically connected to one another. Beneath our beneath the ground beneath our feet. 72 00:08:53.140 --> 00:09:04.409 Skeptic Psychic: Does this Hello, earth go deeper? In fact, the caves and caverns are actually rumored to be entrances to this hollow earth. 73 00:09:05.150 --> 00:09:07.179 Kim Rodriguez: Tell me more 74 00:09:07.270 --> 00:09:16.430 Skeptic Psychic: alright. Well, the in ancient times many cultures and tribes believed in this underworld. How? 75 00:09:17.560 --> 00:09:22.140 Skeptic Psychic: And now goes back to to the Babylonians 76 00:09:22.490 --> 00:09:34.439 Skeptic Psychic: and and the early Mesopotamian practices. The Greeks, of course, had the the land of Hades in Hindu mythology. The underworld is referred to as 77 00:09:34.610 --> 00:09:39.970 Skeptic Psychic: Patagoda. 82 00:10:03.660 --> 00:10:10.210 Skeptic Psychic: in the Beng Bengali version of the Hindu epic, Ramayaya 83 00:10:11.280 --> 00:10:15.669 Skeptic Psychic: Rama. Yah! That it's been depicted how 84 00:10:15.930 --> 00:10:18.830 Skeptic Psychic: Rama and Lakhava 85 00:10:18.870 --> 00:10:25.300 Skeptic Psychic: were taken by Shama, la Kashama were taken by the reign, the King of Underworld. 86 00:10:25.690 --> 00:10:28.430 Skeptic Psychic: and hitherto brother of the demon 87 00:10:29.000 --> 00:10:34.040 Skeptic Psychic: King Ravenia. Yeah, they were. 88 00:10:34.230 --> 00:10:36.999 Skeptic Psychic: they were rescued by Hellament. 89 00:10:39.090 --> 00:10:52.149 Kim Rodriguez: Yes, I'm sorry. I know your your part. There is a little hard to read with the background. I apologize. It's my job to make sure that this is legible for him, and I felt this week. So so please my apologies. 90 00:10:53.630 --> 00:10:54.490 Skeptic Psychic: Yes. 91 00:10:55.470 --> 00:11:09.800 Kim Rodriguez: now the Angi Naga tribes of India claim that their ancestors emerged in ancient times from a subterranean land that was inside the earth. 92 00:11:10.890 --> 00:11:20.509 Kim Rodriguez: The Tano from Cuba believed that their ancestors emerged at ancient times from 2 caves in a mountain underground. 93 00:11:21.180 --> 00:11:24.039 Kim Rodriguez: Then we have the Celts of ancient Ireland. 94 00:11:25.590 --> 00:11:30.479 Kim Rodriguez: Now is it cells or Celts. Hmm tomato. 95 00:11:31.090 --> 00:11:32.130 Kim Rodriguez: So 96 00:11:32.610 --> 00:11:42.500 Kim Rodriguez: they believed that there were caves that led the underground world of a supernatural race that was known as Tuatha de Nan. 97 00:11:42.640 --> 00:11:43.360 Skeptic Psychic: Yep. 98 00:11:45.100 --> 00:11:47.949 Kim Rodriguez: This was also known as the tribe of the goddess. 99 00:11:49.490 --> 00:11:55.670 Kim Rodriguez: I mean. Had even Alexander the Great journeyed to the underworld in hopes of conquering it. 100 00:11:57.860 --> 00:12:08.129 Kim Rodriguez: you know. But taking all that information as being myths. We wonder who actually did propose this theory, that there really is a hollow earth. 101 00:12:09.190 --> 00:12:13.460 Kim Rodriguez: This came from Sir Edmund Haley. 102 00:12:13.900 --> 00:12:14.760 Skeptic Psychic: Yes. 103 00:12:15.150 --> 00:12:18.420 Kim Rodriguez: also the same man who discovered the Haley's comet. 104 00:12:20.060 --> 00:12:27.689 Kim Rodriguez: And he came up with this theory way back in 1960. I'm sorry. 1692, just calculus 105 00:12:27.740 --> 00:12:29.319 Kim Rodriguez: 1692. 106 00:12:32.150 --> 00:12:41.449 Kim Rodriguez: His notion was supposed to be disproven by 2 men. However. first, there was Pierre Bonchere. 107 00:12:41.640 --> 00:12:44.550 Kim Rodriguez: a French mathematician, in 17. 108 00:12:45.740 --> 00:12:46.610 Kim Rodriguez: Yes. 109 00:12:47.630 --> 00:12:51.029 Kim Rodriguez: he was a French mathematician in 1740, 110 00:12:51.340 --> 00:12:53.249 and then Charles Hedon. 111 00:12:53.380 --> 00:13:05.349 Kim Rodriguez: an English mathematician and surveyor, who, in 1,774, determined that the mean density of the earth made this impossible. 112 00:13:05.680 --> 00:13:12.559 Skeptic Psychic: Right? Could you pause it for a second? I've gotta check on the pasta. Sure. Go ahead 113 00:13:21.880 --> 00:13:35.159 Skeptic Psychic: now. The mantle was taken up again by American by the name of Captain John Cleaves Smyth, Jr. Now interesting about him. 114 00:13:35.230 --> 00:13:39.949 Skeptic Psychic: he wasn't his father. He was named after his Uncle 115 00:13:40.750 --> 00:13:45.990 Skeptic Psychic: John cleaves, Sims, Jr. Because the the uncle had no other kids. 116 00:13:47.980 --> 00:13:55.470 and he's best known for the advocacy of the idea that the earth is hollow with openings at the poles. 117 00:13:56.170 --> 00:14:02.279 Skeptic Psychic: which he, he believed could be access for explanation, and colonization 125 00:14:38.560 --> 00:14:47.639 Skeptic Psychic: Sims group gained attention in the early nineteenth century for his lectures and writings prompting the theory of a hollow earth. 126 00:14:47.720 --> 00:14:54.179 Skeptic Psychic: He proposed that the earth consisted of several contracentic spheres. 127 00:14:54.490 --> 00:15:08.239 Skeptic Psychic: with habitable environments contained within. Sims claimed that they were entrances to the north and South pole, throughout of which one could enter this this inner world 128 129 00:15:11.300 --> 00:15:25.089 Kim Rodriguez: Yes. his ideas attracted both supporters and skeptics. and since sought funding for an expedition to explore the polar regions. To prove his theory. 130 00:15:25.970 --> 00:15:29.810 Kim Rodriguez: however, he did face difficulties. 131 00:15:30.280 --> 00:15:36.190 Kim Rodriguez: securing financial backing and encountering criticism from the scientific community 132 00:15:36.620 --> 00:15:44.240 Kim Rodriguez: which largely dismissed the idea as unfounded and solely speculation. 133 00:15:44.290 --> 00:15:47.850 Skeptic Psychic: which I mean. Come on, if if 134 00:15:49.410 --> 00:16:03.140 Kim Rodriguez: think about it. Okay, I speculate. This is this, I want to prove this. Is this, so I need to go there. I mean. how was he going to prove it without exploring it and examining it? 135 00:16:04.990 --> 00:16:06.300 Kim Rodriguez: Let's just 136 00:16:07.140 --> 00:16:12.450 Kim Rodriguez: be like somebody just didn't want to take the time to look at. 137 00:16:13.480 --> 00:16:21.959 Kim Rodriguez: So, despite the lack of scientific support, he continued to advocate for his theory until his death in 1829. 138 00:16:23.180 --> 00:16:30.460 Kim Rodriguez: Now why he, while he did not achieve his legacy during his lifetime. 139 00:16:32.260 --> 00:16:40.920 Kim Rodriguez: it did live on in the form of continued interest in this theory of the hollow earth. And this was, you know. 140 00:16:40.950 --> 00:16:49.170 Kim Rodriguez: among French groups and enthusiasts, or, as some people out there like to say, conspiracy. There are risks. 141 00:16:49.300 --> 00:16:50.800 Skeptic Psychic: yes, and 142 00:16:51.790 --> 00:17:04.150 Kim Rodriguez: his name is often associated with the early population of the Hollow Earth concept. although he was not the first to propose, propose such a theory. 143 00:17:05.180 --> 00:17:10.540 Nevertheless, his effort contributed to the endearing fascinization 144 00:17:11.079 --> 00:17:14.220 Kim Rodriguez: fascination with the idea 145 00:17:14.369 --> 00:17:30.520 Skeptic Psychic: of hidden worlds beneath the earth's surface. Now also to reiterate the fact of his tombstone, where he is buried. He actually has a 3D map of what the Hollywood would have looked like 146 00:17:32.670 --> 00:17:41.119 Kim Rodriguez: interesting. I'll see if I can find something like that, and you sit in our group for for people to to check out and see that 147 00:17:41.320 --> 00:17:45.369 Skeptic Psychic: now, my senior proposed a theory of suggesting that 148 00:17:45.500 --> 00:17:53.360 Skeptic Psychic: the earth is hollow and contains an interior space is suitable for habitation. Some keen points of this theory include 149 00:17:53.580 --> 00:17:55.560 Skeptic Psychic: cannonic spheres. 150 00:17:55.620 --> 00:18:01.829 Skeptic Psychic: Smice believed that the earth was composed of multiple characters, spheres 151 00:18:02.020 --> 00:18:05.519 Skeptic Psychic: with habibal regions, and contained within 152 00:18:05.570 --> 00:18:12.390 Skeptic Psychic: these spheres were thought to be separated by empty spaces or voids. 153 00:18:14.170 --> 00:18:15.960 Skeptic Psychic: Polar openings. 154 00:18:16.020 --> 00:18:22.779 Skeptic Psychic: Sam also argued that there were large openings in the North and South Poles 155 00:18:22.970 --> 00:18:26.909 Skeptic Psychic: leading us into the interior of the hollow earth. 156 00:18:27.190 --> 00:18:34.100 Skeptic Psychic: he suggested. There are openings could be accessed for exploration and colonization. 157 00:18:35.150 --> 00:18:37.330 Skeptic Psychic: The interior environment. 158 00:18:38.110 --> 00:18:49.939 Skeptic Psychic: Now, according to S. Smith, the interior of the earth was not only hollow, but also contained a oh, its own atmosphere, oceans and environmentals. 159 00:18:50.500 --> 00:18:56.949 Skeptic Psychic: It could support life potentially and including the undiscovered civilizations. 160 00:18:57.710 --> 00:19:13.909 Skeptic Psychic: Scientific inquiry on that Sims advocated for the the scientific exploration of the polls, polar regions, and confirming his theory, he sought support and funding for expeditions to investigate. 161 00:19:13.990 --> 00:19:19.980 The openings, however, at the post explored the support theory of the Earth interior 162 00:19:22.060 --> 00:19:30.169 now overall. His hit theory of a hollow earth was based on the idea of a vast, unexplored world hidden beneath the earth's surface. 163 00:19:32.630 --> 00:19:44.580 Kim Rodriguez: Now we get on to James Norman Reynolds, who was also referred to as Jay in Reynolds. He was an American journalist and explorer who lived during the nineteenth century. 164 00:19:45.300 --> 00:19:47.009 Kim Rodriguez: who's best known 165 00:19:48.060 --> 00:19:54.989 Kim Rodriguez: with his involvement. I'm sorry he is best known for his involvement in the expiration of the polar regions 166 00:19:55.220 --> 00:19:59.450 Kim Rodriguez: and his association, and with the concept of the hollow earth. 167 00:20:01.020 --> 00:20:08.319 Kim Rodriguez: He did gain prominence during. I'm sorry he didn't gain prominence through his writings 168 00:20:08.390 --> 00:20:09.870 and explorations. 169 00:20:10.610 --> 00:20:18.360 Kim Rodriguez: Particularly with the United States Exploring expedition, which was between 1838 and 1842. 170 00:20:19.730 --> 00:20:24.649 Kim Rodriguez: This was also known as the Wilkes Expedition, because it was led by Charles Wakes. 171 00:20:26.530 --> 00:20:28.570 Kim Rodriguez: Charles Wilkes, not mix 172 00:20:30.690 --> 00:20:37.800 Kim Rodriguez: rendezvous served as a correspondent for the New York press during this expedition. 173 00:20:38.020 --> 00:20:42.430 Kim Rodriguez: providing vivid accounts of the journey and its discoveries. 175 00:20:50.800 --> 00:21:04.969 Kim Rodriguez: one of Riddle's significant contributions to exploration was his permission of the Hollow Earth theory. He collaborated with John Clinton Simmons, Jr. Who had proposed the idea of a hollow earth with the openings at the polls. 176 00:21:06.100 --> 00:21:19.289 Kim Rodriguez: Riddles did help popularize, popularize Sims theories with his writings. and he included articles and a series of letters that were published to the New York newspaper 177 00:21:19.320 --> 00:21:21.629 Kim Rodriguez: known at the time as the New York Mirror. 178 00:21:23.700 --> 00:21:36.759 Skeptic Psychic: Now riddles advocacy for the Hollow Earth theory was contributed with his engaging writing style. and did this the association with the Wilkes expedition 179 00:21:36.770 --> 00:21:53.130 Skeptic Psychic: contributed for their widespread interest in the concept. During the nineteenth century, however, like smites, Reynolds was faced with skepticism from the scientific community which largely regarded the hollow Earth theory as an unfounded speculation. 180 00:21:53.440 --> 00:21:57.310 Skeptic Psychic: while Renard is best known for his promotion of the hollow earth. 181 00:21:57.890 --> 00:22:09.419 Skeptic Psychic: He also, made significant contributions to journalism and expiration through his repairing and writings on various expeditions and adventures. 182 00:22:10.170 --> 00:22:11.210 Skeptic Psychic: Now. 183 00:22:11.280 --> 00:22:13.979 Skeptic Psychic: in 1864, 184 00:22:14.940 --> 00:22:21.269 Skeptic Psychic: one of my favorite top. 10 writers, I would say he's number 3 or 4. Joel's 185 00:22:21.770 --> 00:22:24.829 wrote Journey to the center of the Earth. 186 00:22:25.720 --> 00:22:28.490 Skeptic Psychic: Of course it is one of my favorite books 187 00:22:29.530 --> 00:22:40.590 Skeptic Psychic: in this book. It follows the adventures of Professor Otto Ude Bark and his nephew Axel and their guide. Harris 188 00:22:41.730 --> 00:22:42.900 Kim Rodriguez: guns. 189 00:22:42.920 --> 00:22:49.129 Skeptic Psychic: Hans Vatica as they embark upon a daring expedition for exploring in the depths of the earth. 190 00:22:49.490 --> 00:22:56.249 Skeptic Psychic: The story begins when Professor Leiden Brock discovers an ancient manuscript 191 00:22:56.270 --> 00:23:01.989 Skeptic Psychic: that contains coded instructions on how to reach the center of the earth. 192 00:23:02.180 --> 00:23:11.049 Skeptic Psychic: With Axel's help Professor decipers the messages and determines that the earth must begin, and it's Iceland. 193 00:23:12.070 --> 00:23:19.619 Skeptic Psychic: The trail set out for the expedition, travelling to Iceland and descending to the depth of a volcano called. 194 00:23:19.760 --> 00:23:22.200 she ever can't get confronted with. 195 00:23:22.590 --> 00:23:29.680 Skeptic Psychic: We're not even gonna try just I'm sorry bastardizing Icelandic language there. 196 00:23:29.880 --> 00:23:43.669 Skeptic Psychic: but as the journey deepens into the earth they encounter various abstracts and obstacles, as well as the marbles, including the underground seas, prehistoric creatures, and the strange geological formations. 197 00:23:44.320 --> 00:23:46.099 Skeptic Psychic: The journey there 198 00:23:46.440 --> 00:23:56.189 Skeptic Psychic: the characters face numerous of challenges, including a perilous descent to the meaning mimicing caverns and encounters with fossilized creatures. 199 00:23:56.360 --> 00:24:02.069 Skeptic Psychic: Despite these obstacles, they press on with their quest to make in the center of the earth. 200 00:24:02.220 --> 00:24:04.560 Skeptic Psychic: Ultimately spoiler warning. 201 00:24:05.090 --> 00:24:15.579 Skeptic Psychic: They travel average, reach a vast underground chamber at the earth's core, where they witness a spectacular natural phenomenon. 202 00:24:16.280 --> 00:24:25.340 Skeptic Psychic: After exploring these wonders of the subterranean world, they eventually find a way to return to the surface, completing their extraordinary venture. 203 00:24:25.690 --> 00:24:35.999 Kim Rodriguez: Sorry that was supposed to be now at the escort. 208 00:24:50.560 --> 00:24:57.680 Kim Rodriguez: The at the Earth's Core Series is a collection of novels that were written by Edgar Rice Burroughs. 209 00:24:58.790 --> 00:25:05.669 Skeptic Psychic: He is the renowned author of Tarzan, as well as the John Carter series. 210 00:25:07.290 --> 00:25:08.880 Kim Rodriguez: John Carter 211 00:25:09.010 --> 00:25:10.350 Skeptic Psychic: of Mars. 212 00:25:10.580 --> 00:25:16.790 Kim Rodriguez: Oh, okay, thank you. I was for some reason my brain went to John Wick, and I was like, no, that doesn't sound right. I got you. 213 00:25:17.780 --> 00:25:28.690 Kim Rodriguez: The earth at the Earth's core series does consist of 7 novels that explore a fantastical world that is located at the earth's core. 214 00:25:29.120 --> 00:25:41.659 Kim Rodriguez: It is filled with prehistoric creatures, exotic civilizations. and tell rig adventures. The first book was published in 1914, 217 00:26:05.750 --> 00:26:13.410 Kim Rodriguez: there were several theorists and authors during the Nineteenth and twentieth century who discussed the Hello Earth. 218 00:26:13.770 --> 00:26:24.580 Kim Rodriguez: The one we would like to talk now about is a series of articles written in amazing stories, which was published by Hugo, learns back. 219 00:26:24.710 --> 00:26:36.540 Skeptic Psychic: which everybody which Science Fiction enthusiast know that her Hugo Greens back was the man in which the Ugo awards were named after 220 00:26:36.940 --> 00:26:38.429 Kim Rodriguez: Hmm. Interesting. 221 00:26:38.960 --> 00:26:46.950 Kim Rodriguez: Between 1945 and 1949, Editor Ray Palmer read a series of articles called The Shaver Mysteries. 222 00:26:48.440 --> 00:26:54.360 Kim Rodriguez: Also Richard Sharp Shaver, states in these stories that both Palmer and Shaver 223 00:26:54.370 --> 00:26:57.299 Kim Rodriguez: claim that these stories are true. 225 00:27:27.020 --> 00:27:38.590 Kim Rodriguez: Shaver explained that he had experienced telepathic communication with ancient beings that lived in caverns beneath the air surface, and he called them the Darrow's. 226 00:27:39.250 --> 00:27:47.110 Kim Rodriguez: These were detrimental robots. and then there were also the taro's, which were integral robots. 227 00:27:48.090 --> 00:27:54.320 Kim Rodriguez: Now, according to Shaver, the Darrow's and the taro's. I'm sorry the Darrows were malevolent. 228 00:27:54.580 --> 00:28:06.180 Kim Rodriguez: and they use advanced technology to torment humanity while the heroes were benevolent beings, and they sought to protect humans from the darps. 233 00:28:24.510 --> 00:28:37.070 Kim Rodriguez: there we go, and I couldn't get rid of that black background. I know I'm sorry about that. It's just now shaver Storage depicted a hidden world beneath the earth populated by these 2 agent civilizations 234 00:28:37.230 --> 00:28:41.859 Skeptic Psychic: with the Darrows, manipulating events on the surface. 235 00:28:41.870 --> 00:28:56.059 Skeptic Psychic: and coursing, causing various disasters and calamities, while the taro's, on the other hand, or depicted as the abilities, the allies of with the allies of humanity 236 00:28:56.420 --> 00:29:01.359 Skeptic Psychic: working to counteract the influences of the Daros. 237 00:29:01.730 --> 00:29:06.309 Skeptic Psychic: the Schafer mysteries gained a significant Halloween 238 00:29:07.700 --> 00:29:09.060 Skeptic Psychic: Halloween. 239 00:29:09.450 --> 00:29:13.960 Skeptic Psychic: following. Why is it? Say, Halloween, I don't know. 240 00:29:14.160 --> 00:29:30.579 Skeptic Psychic: The Shaver Mysteries gained a significant following amongst the readers of amazing stories, and sparked a widespread speculation and debate. Some readers embraced the shaver stories on revelations of the hidden truths, while others dismissed it as being 241 00:29:30.850 --> 00:29:36.030 Skeptic Psychic: more of a imaginative fiction or outright hoaxes. 242 00:29:36.090 --> 00:29:38.320 Kim Rodriguez: Now, what were the amazing stories 243 00:29:39.130 --> 00:29:44.819 Skeptic Psychic: major stories? Was a pulp magazine back during the 244 00:29:45.320 --> 00:29:57.040 Skeptic Psychic: I believe from the early part of the twentieth century, maybe 1920, 19, yeah, 192-01-9250n up to the early 1949. 245 00:29:57.660 --> 00:30:19.630 Skeptic Psychic: It was Steven Spielberg took the inspiration of those amazing store of the amazing stories and made a television show that only lasted maybe one and a half seasons. That was my next question was that based on those stories from them? We used to watch that show pretty religiously when it came out. Yeah, no. 246 00:30:20.700 --> 00:30:37.750 Skeptic Psychic: also to know the fact that Richard Shaver did spend some time in a mental solicitation. So this could be. He was a little bit of crazy, but then, of course he could have been not a crazy, and they put him in the way, anyway. 247 00:30:38.130 --> 00:30:42.630 Kim Rodriguez: maybe they put him in because he knew too much. 248 00:30:42.810 --> 00:30:54.199 Skeptic Psychic: Now we also go to Admiral Richard E. Byrd. He was the gentleman who discovered the North Pole as well as the South Pole. 249 00:30:54.760 --> 00:30:55.710 Now 250 00:30:57.900 --> 00:31:04.439 Skeptic Psychic: his involvement in the hollow earth is often regarded as a lege legend 251 00:31:04.710 --> 00:31:07.989 Skeptic Psychic: or a piece of speculative fiction 252 00:31:09.470 --> 00:31:24.140 Skeptic Psychic: other than the historical pat fact. However. it has gained a traction in certain circles, particularly among the proponents of the conspiracy theorists and its alternate histories. 253 00:31:25.960 --> 00:31:44.250 Skeptic Psychic: The core of this legend involves around the Admiral Byrds alleged expedition to the North and South Poles in the early part of the twentieth century, during which he purpose purposely made contact with the advanced civilization living within the hollow earth. 255 00:31:47.150 --> 00:32:00.899 Kim Rodriguez: according to the legend, birds, supposed diary or journal entries, we count encounters with a highly advanced and technological superior civilization 256 00:32:01.490 --> 00:32:15.150 Kim Rodriguez: that dwelled within the interior of the earth. these being these beings often described as descendants of the H List civilization, such as Atlantis, or even Lemuria. 257 00:32:15.510 --> 00:32:19.910 Kim Rodriguez: and they migrated to the hollow earth to escape cataclysms on the surface. 258 00:32:20.410 --> 00:32:36.089 Skeptic Psychic: Now, we've actually discussed Atlantis previously when we briefly, when we discussed Edward Casey. But Atlantis and Mario will probably be a future episode in the future. 259 00:32:36.340 --> 00:32:37.410 Skeptic Psychic: Please continue. 260 00:32:37.600 --> 00:32:39.290 Kim Rodriguez: Yes, 261 00:32:39.910 --> 00:32:52.740 Kim Rodriguez: So they migrated to the hollow earth to get away from the cataclysms of the surface. And there are very many. 262 00:32:53.830 --> 00:33:04.580 Kim Rodriguez: suppose, and locations that could possibly be entrances to this in a world. These are often based on mythological or anecdotal accounts. 263 00:33:04.770 --> 00:33:09.190 Kim Rodriguez: And again, some of these include the North Pole 264 00:33:09.510 --> 00:33:15.570 Kim Rodriguez: and the South Pole. the North being one of the most famous theories 265 00:33:15.690 --> 00:33:26.040 Kim Rodriguez: that it does have an entrance, has a site has roots in early myth, and legends about a polar opening that led to a hidden world. 266 00:33:26.230 --> 00:33:32.089 Kim Rodriguez: Proponents suggest that the shifting of ice and magnetic anomalies 267 00:33:32.230 --> 00:33:40.259 Kim Rodriguez: in the Arctic region support the existence of such an interest to be there now with the South Pole. 268 00:33:40.420 --> 00:33:53.399 Kim Rodriguez: Some say that it's believe that the entrance to the world could be located there, because, again, based on mythological traditions and speculative interpretations of polar geography 269 00:33:55.850 --> 00:34:10.410 Skeptic Psychic: alright. We also look at Mouse Shasta, in California. Mount Shasta is in Northern California, has been associated with burial, mystical and esoteric beliefs, including the idea that the interest to the hollow 270 00:34:10.760 --> 00:34:21.109 Skeptic Psychic: some people claim, and I have had spiritual personal experiences near Mount Shasta, and suggest that they make conce conceal a passage to the inner earth. 271 00:34:21.980 --> 00:34:24.400 The Tibetan plateau. 272 00:34:25.139 --> 00:34:30.280 Skeptic Psychic: now that Tibetan plateau is often called the root of the earth 273 00:34:32.260 --> 00:34:47.630 Skeptic Psychic: off as it's been suggested as the possible location for the entrance to the hollow word. This idea is sometimes connected to the Tibetan Buddhist mythology, and the concept of Shambala. 274 00:34:48.159 --> 00:35:01.130 Skeptic Psychic: a hidden kingdom said to exist in the Himalayas. other remote or inaccessible locations. In addition to these specific locations, various other remote 275 00:35:02.280 --> 00:35:14.130 Skeptic Psychic: have been on Earth proposed as potential interest to the hollow earth. These include the deep ocean trenches, remote deserts and unexpected wilderness areas 276 00:35:14.700 --> 00:35:42.249 Kim Rodriguez: and explored. We'll do this areas unexplored. Whether this area is so, I guess that would be like somewhere, like maybe in the Congo, or something like that, where, you know, really explored a lot of highlights. No, I know it's it was confusing on this one. But yeah, I've got a bit, and then you've got some green here, and then I got a bit, and then we're done 278 00:35:50.180 --> 00:35:56.419 Well, the Hello Earth theory is generally considered pseudo, pseudo, scientific 279 00:35:56.690 --> 00:35:59.930 Skeptic Psychic: pseudo, scientific pseudo, scientific 280 00:36:00.200 --> 00:36:07.930 Kim Rodriguez: and lacking Uto scientific and lacking empirical evidence. 281 00:36:08.040 --> 00:36:15.039 Skeptic Psychic: Get it right? 282 00:36:15.130 --> 00:36:29.249 Kim Rodriguez: There's still individuals and groups who continue to advocate for or believe in the concept. Modern beliefs regarding the hollow earth vary widely. However, here are some common themes and perspectives. 283 00:36:30.070 --> 00:36:42.660 Kim Rodriguez: We do have the new age and and esoteric beliefs which I would like to talk more about in a future episode, esoteric the records, and all of that. 284 00:36:43.150 --> 00:36:55.689 Kim Rodriguez: as some individuals within this new age and esoteric communities do embrace the idea of hollow earth as being part of their spiritual and or metaphysical beliefs. 285 00:36:56.260 --> 00:37:05.020 Kim Rodriguez: They may view the earth as interior as a mystical realm inhabited by the advance beings or the ascended masters. 286 00:37:05.730 --> 00:37:11.789 Skeptic Psychic: That'd be another great topic to do in the future and send investors. 287 00:37:12.030 --> 00:37:17.320 Kim Rodriguez: Then we have the conspiracy theories, as I mentioned before. 288 00:37:17.860 --> 00:37:19.020 Kim Rodriguez: and 289 00:37:20.910 --> 00:37:25.320 Kim Rodriguez: has been incorporated into various theories which 290 00:37:25.330 --> 00:37:36.759 Kim Rodriguez: often involve claims of secret government, knowledge, and or cover ups, which is like, I said, that that one gentleman that you mentioned. I think it was Shaver 291 00:37:36.880 --> 00:37:50.240 Skeptic Psychic: being put into a mental institution. Knowing too much would fall into that secret, you know. Some people believe underground basis. 292 00:37:50.350 --> 00:38:03.790 Kim Rodriguez: Yes, which was what I was gonna say next is that government agencies or elite groups are aware of the existence of this and that they're hiding it from the the public, and that they do have basis down there. 293 00:38:05.690 --> 00:38:15.799 Skeptic Psychic: Now, alternative science is a small number of individuals who advocate for the hollow Earth theory from perspective of the alternate science, of course. 294 00:38:16.280 --> 00:38:23.620 Skeptic Psychic: suggesting that the the mainstream scientific understanding may be incomplete or flawed. 295 00:38:23.780 --> 00:38:33.430 Skeptic Psychic: They may propose an alternative. Models of the earth's structural, based on the unconventional interpretations of the geological data or phenomenon. 296 00:38:33.590 --> 00:38:36.209 Skeptic Psychic: Do do do do do phenomenon? 297 00:38:36.290 --> 00:38:37.890 Kim Rodriguez: You did it did 298 00:38:38.580 --> 00:38:40.770 literature and pop culture. 299 00:38:40.970 --> 00:38:46.849 Skeptic Psychic: The concept of the hollow earth continues to be it explored in the literature. 300 00:38:47.270 --> 00:39:00.970 Skeptic Psychic: film and other forms of popular culture. Well, they're often presented as fictional or speculative. These works contribute to the outgoing are and ongoing fascination of 301 00:39:01.320 --> 00:39:05.369 Skeptic Psychic: With this idea of the hidden world beneath the earth's surface 302 00:39:05.720 --> 00:39:08.300 tourism and adventurers. 303 00:39:08.540 --> 00:39:19.630 Skeptic Psychic: Some tourism companies offer expeditions or tours for locations associated with the hollow earth, such as purported entrances to the 304 00:39:19.930 --> 00:39:28.799 Skeptic Psychic: north and south pose. These trips are often appealed to individuals interested in the adventures and the explorations 305 00:39:30.410 --> 00:39:31.310 Skeptic Psychic: now 306 00:39:32.160 --> 00:39:40.460 Skeptic Psychic: here, starting with the cur the current run are famous movies that deal with the hollow Earth theory. 307 00:39:40.670 --> 00:39:44.280 Skeptic Psychic: Godzilla vs. Cog in 2,021. 308 00:39:44.310 --> 00:39:55.890 Skeptic Psychic: While not being entirely focused on the hollow word, the film promently features the concept. These characters journey into the hollow to uncover its secrets. 309 00:39:56.730 --> 00:39:58.230 Skeptic Psychic: 2,008, 310 00:39:59.390 --> 00:40:19.030 Skeptic Psychic: Brandon Fraser's movie to the film based on the classic novel journey to the center of the earth. Disney also did a version of that as well which follows a group of explorers as a venture deep into the earth's crust and encounter various wonders and dangers. 311 00:40:19.710 --> 00:40:24.549 Kim Rodriguez: Then we also have Kong Skull Island in 2017, 312 00:40:25.480 --> 00:40:37.480 Kim Rodriguez: now. Well, primarily a King Kong film. It does introduce the elements of a hello or hollow earth. Not a hello worth, but a hollow word, Hello, word! 313 00:40:37.790 --> 00:40:44.679 Kim Rodriguez: The island where home resides is depicted as being a lost world within the earth's surface. 314 00:40:45.690 --> 00:40:48.919 We also have the quarter way back in 2,003 315 00:40:49.020 --> 00:40:51.620 Kim Rodriguez: already, 20 years ago. 316 00:40:52.430 --> 00:40:53.480 Skeptic Psychic: 21 317 00:40:53.810 --> 00:40:56.020 Kim Rodriguez: well depending on when it came out 318 00:40:56.880 --> 00:41:01.959 Skeptic Psychic: summer 2,023, I mean 2,003. So it's been about a year and 6 months 319 00:41:02.400 --> 00:41:06.170 Kim Rodriguez: now, while not explicitly about the hollow earth. 320 00:41:06.300 --> 00:41:16.800 Kim Rodriguez: The sign. It's I'm sorry. Sci-fi disaster film involves a group of scientists who travel to the earth's core to restart its nuclear devices. 321 00:41:16.870 --> 00:41:21.270 Kim Rodriguez: I'm sorry to restart it using nuclear devices? 322 00:41:22.240 --> 00:41:26.709 Then we have at the year's core. In 1976 323 00:41:26.790 --> 00:41:44.190 Kim Rodriguez: we and I was born so 40 some odd years ago. And this was based on the novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs. It does depict adventurers who use a drilling machine to journey into the earth's core to discover a prehistoric world. 324 00:41:45.170 --> 00:41:51.100 Kim Rodriguez: Then we have the mole people, which is another thing that we could talk about at some time. 325 00:41:51.320 --> 00:42:01.610 Skeptic Psychic: just living in sewers. 326 00:42:01.780 --> 00:42:07.030 Kim Rodriguez: We got the mole people in the subways, the alligators in the sewers. I'm telling Ya 327 00:42:07.720 --> 00:42:10.010 Skeptic Psychic: for New York. Yeah. 328 00:42:10.110 --> 00:42:23.999 Kim Rodriguez: Okay? Well, anyway, there was a movie called the Mole People back in 1956. It is a classic B movie, and it features archaeologists who discover an underground civilization as they are exploring deep within the earth 329 00:42:25.370 --> 00:42:36.959 Kim Rodriguez: now overall, while the belief in hollow earth does remain in the fringes of mainstream thought. it persists in various forms with certain subcultures and communities. 330 00:42:37.610 --> 00:42:47.759 Kim Rodriguez: Despite the lack of scientific evidence. This concept does continue to captivate the imagination and inspire speculates, speculation 331 00:42:47.880 --> 00:42:52.820 Kim Rodriguez: about what mysteries might, what might lie beneath the earth's surface. 332 00:42:53.400 --> 00:42:56.400 Kim Rodriguez: which kind of makes me think like we 333 00:42:56.980 --> 00:43:02.770 Kim Rodriguez: We're taught that the earth's core is made of like this hot molten 334 00:43:02.910 --> 00:43:03.910 Skeptic Psychic: back by 335 00:43:04.350 --> 00:43:15.679 Kim Rodriguez: well, we have the magma, and then we have the the core, which is like, you know, just hot rock. How do we know this is this? I mean, nobody's actually ever drilled that far into the earth. 336 00:43:16.320 --> 00:43:23.410 Kim Rodriguez: So I would say, that's just another theory. So who's to say that this theory is right and this theory is wrong? 337 00:43:24.840 --> 00:43:36.039 Kim Rodriguez: But now we ask you, the viewers and our listeners. What are your thoughts? Do you believe a hollow earth exists. or is it just something that was made up for Science fiction. 338 00:43:36.900 --> 00:43:44.690 Kim Rodriguez: Let us know in the comments or in our group's skeptic psychic on Facebook. What do you think, Rick? Do you believe in a hollow earth? 339 00:43:45.490 --> 00:43:48.520 Skeptic Psychic: Kind of sort of I mean 340 00:43:48.650 --> 00:43:53.999 Skeptic Psychic: we are. We have too many stories dealing with the mythals, and 341 00:43:54.340 --> 00:44:02.570 Skeptic Psychic: And legends passed down through the generations, I mean? Why, why would every single 342 00:44:02.990 --> 00:44:05.820 Skeptic Psychic: a culture back in the old days 343 00:44:05.990 --> 00:44:11.040 Skeptic Psychic: have a story behind the hollow earth? I mean, even 344 00:44:11.190 --> 00:44:18.240 Skeptic Psychic: Christianity has the heavens which are from the skies and heck down below the 345 00:44:18.880 --> 00:44:21.710 Skeptic Psychic: down below the surface. So 346 00:44:22.560 --> 00:44:27.200 Skeptic Psychic: who's to say that? There's not a such thing, you know. 347 00:44:27.340 --> 00:44:35.590 Skeptic Psychic: As for the entrances to the North and South Pole or the Tibetan Peninsula, or 348 00:44:35.820 --> 00:44:37.030 Skeptic Psychic: in the 349 00:44:37.220 --> 00:44:41.079 Skeptic Psychic: deep areas of Argentina 350 00:44:41.790 --> 00:44:49.480 Skeptic Psychic: who knows? Honestly. I kind of sort of do believe that there may be a hollow earth. 351 00:44:50.760 --> 00:45:10.109 Kim Rodriguez: I can kind of see it as well. I mean, you know, growing up, we were fortunate enough that our parents took us to the caverns to, you know, kind of explore. We went to Interspace Cameron. We went to Natural Bridge Cavern. We went to one. 352 00:45:19.880 --> 00:45:40.759 Skeptic Psychic: Yes, you you were in the nursery the first time that we went. Yes, the first time I was too little. No, so I had to be in the nursery. But the second time Mom and and our stepdad Don took us back and we went through it. When I was in junior high, and I couldn't put you in the kennel, so 353 00:45:41.380 --> 00:45:49.590 Skeptic Psychic: I was told I was told I was putting the kennel. Mom told me I was in the nursery, but Dad and papa always more. I was in the kennel. 354 00:45:49.640 --> 00:45:54.030 Kim Rodriguez: cause they didn't want to pay for the nursery. They can always cheaper. 355 00:45:54.390 --> 00:45:55.610 Kim Rodriguez: but 356 00:45:55.650 --> 00:46:03.640 Kim Rodriguez: growing up going through those caverns, and I've always been fascinated by them. And you know this beautiful 357 00:46:04.760 --> 00:46:18.670 Kim Rodriguez: area that exists under our feet. And, as I mentioned before. These caverns are supposed to go on throughout. You know they're connected throughout the Us. And there's caves and caverns all over the world, and 358 00:46:18.810 --> 00:46:33.030 Kim Rodriguez: they even have these numbers where there's like, nobody has been able to get to the bottom of them, because they just keep going and going. So to me that right there could be proof of that being a hollow earth. 359 00:46:33.060 --> 00:46:34.190 Kim Rodriguez: What do you think? 360 00:46:34.960 --> 00:46:41.149 Skeptic Psychic: Well, yeah, I mean one of my one of the things on my bucket list is actually to go into Mammoth Mammoth Cave. 361 00:46:43.270 --> 00:46:44.639 Kim Rodriguez: That would be cool. 362 00:46:45.880 --> 00:46:53.590 Kim Rodriguez: Yeah, I've definitely. I've always been fascinated by caves and caverns and stuff always wanted to go and travel and check out more of them 363 00:46:53.930 --> 00:46:54.950 Kim Rodriguez: of. 364 00:46:55.570 --> 00:47:14.420 Skeptic Psychic: but that for this week, concludes our episode on the Hollow Earth. Remember, boys and girls, we require 5 stars. 5 stars is a good thing. Remember this. I itch me, Sanchi, Joel. 365 00:47:14.590 --> 00:47:15.569 Skeptic Psychic: knock off 366 00:47:15.750 --> 00:47:26.749 Kim Rodriguez: yes. If you're listening to our podcast through through apple podcasts, we do ask for 5 stars, or wherever you can rate us, we do ask for that 367 00:47:27.120 --> 00:47:38.500 Kim Rodriguez: as also if you're able to leave a review. We do ask for reviews, we do read them on air, if we ever get them. You're still waiting for them. Please review us. We need reviews. 368 00:47:38.580 --> 00:47:41.640 Skeptic Psychic: We love you. We really really do. 369 00:47:41.820 --> 00:47:45.679 Kim Rodriguez: Yes, and next week we will take a 370 00:47:46.420 --> 00:47:59.219 Kim Rodriguez: We will go back into. We will take a step away from mythology and go back into the spookiness which I'm really excited about, because you all know that's my favorite thing to discuss. Is this the spookiness 371 00:47:59.650 --> 00:48:01.840 Kim Rodriguez: and 372 00:48:02.340 --> 00:48:15.840 Kim Rodriguez: that will be now that we're doing it every other week. That'll be 2 weeks from now. So I'm really excited about that. I will tell you what it's about, because in, you know, I want you to listen in so you can find out 373 00:48:16.110 --> 00:48:18.620 Skeptic Psychic: they did a movie about it. Let's just say that 374 00:48:18.850 --> 00:48:23.270 Kim Rodriguez: they did a really bad movie about it. Yeah. 375 00:48:24.060 --> 00:48:32.279 Kim Rodriguez: yeah, like they. Alex, I'll talk about later. And on that episode, why, it's so long. But I don't want to give too much away. 376 00:48:32.360 --> 00:48:37.580 Kim Rodriguez: But anything else you wanna share before we end tonight's episode. 377 00:48:38.470 --> 00:48:47.079 Skeptic Psychic: that this, we're probably gonna be putting this 378 00:48:47.220 --> 00:49:00.269 Skeptic Psychic: this article up on our website, the skeptic sidekick and join us over there, you know. get to take a look at some of the the articles we've written, and the blog posts. 379 00:49:01.070 --> 00:49:06.110 Skeptic Psychic: Which article are we going to be putting up there this one? The hollow art. 380 00:49:06.920 --> 00:49:10.509 Kim Rodriguez: Oh, you want me to write, put it up as a blog. 381 00:49:11.570 --> 00:49:13.570 Kim Rodriguez: Okay, I will do that. 382 00:49:14.520 --> 00:49:18.379 Kim Rodriguez: And with that we bid you ado. How do you 383 00:49:18.450 --> 00:49:23.429 Kim Rodriguez: have a wonderful evening and sweet dreams, everybody. 384 00:49:23.550 --> 00:49:25.580 Skeptic Psychic: and unpleasant nightmares? 385 00:49:25.850 --> 00:49:27.840 Skeptic Psychic: Good night, wrap.