Hello, and thank you once again for coming to the skeptics. I kick where we like to have wonderful discussions and meet people and tell wonderful stories. and of course, you know we like to have fun with me, as always, the brave Curtis and wonderful sister of mine, Kimber Rodriguez. Hey! How are you this week. I'm good losing weight you know. I may jump jump on a space flight to go with Elvis, you know. But other than that. Maybe maybe not. No, don't, don't go on a space flight with Elvis. We may never see you again. That's right. Except for where you pop up here and there. We don't want that. Oh, yeah, you do. I'd be an enigma to the world. That's no fun. All right. How about you? What do you? What do you guys what do you been doing here lately? Just trying to. you know, been meeting with clients, working not much else, watching movies, watching TV with mercy. well, we do have a guest today 2 guests today. In fact, would you like to introduce these wonderful people. Yes, today we have Natalie Shenfo and her sister Stephanie Kurd. and from a young age these sisters displayed extraordinary psychic abilities. often experiencing pathetic dreams that shape their spiritual future. They did embrace a diverse range of spiritual traditions. This included Wicca, indigenous wisdom, Buddhism and contemporary spiritual thought. This works a unique path as spiritual eclectics. Sorry Tom. Words part also, their journey emphasizes unity, enter connectedness and personal growth beyond what we they've learned within organized religion. So I wanna go ahead and welcome Stephanie and Natalie to the show. Is there anything else that you wanna add to that? Or did I do? Okay. No, you were great. No, yeah, thank you. That was great. Yeah, thanks for having us. For coming on. We're excited to be here. Well, we first wanted to, just, you know, kinda ask some questions that way. Listeners can kinda get a feel of who you are and like, who are these ladies on the show? You know we're not used to let them be here so. So. We've got some questions. You want to kick that off. Not Stranger Day The Danger. Right. No, yeah. I think we're a little more responsible than that. Bro. Okay. You know, it could ever happen. Right now. Yeah. So do you want to kick off the questions. Yeah, I can go ahead and kick off the questions. You know. How went? Did you realize both of you had that certain gift. You might go first. Yeah, sure. So for me it was. gosh! I guess when I was 5 I had a my grandfather came to me when we were we were being baby sat right, and we were because the my grandfather had passed away, and of course, you know we're young, so they don't drag all the kids to the funeral. And that type of thing. Natalie would have been 2 at the time, I think, and so. staying at this Babysitter's house, and I'm doing my usual right with 5 years old, they say, go take a nap, and so I'm upstairs taking a nap. and I see the craziest as a 5 year old. The imagery I had is it's like this black sheet kind of thing weaving across the wall. scared that the Jesus out of me. I go running downstairs. The babysitter says, Oh, you're not getting out of your nap that easy, and sends me back upstairs. I jumped in, hit under the covers, looked up again. It's still kind of lingering around, and then it disappeared. It wouldn't come to really any of our thought process until several years later, many years later, that we were as we were talking about when this happened, that it happened at the exact same time as my grandfather's funeral. so 99.9. Sure that that was grandpa coming to say goodbye. And from there it's just been one of those yeah, they exist. There's ghosts. There's well, there's spirits right. There's folks that are passing on, whether they're saying Hello, and they're saying goodbye, whether they're just needing help crossing. Yeah. So for me, it was Bob. Awesome. Yeah. And so, like, you know, Stephanie mentioned. And we're 2 sisters, even though we have different last names. So. Work through brother and sister, and she has a different name. Right weird, does that. Yeah, exactly. So kind of out throughout our entire lives. We've been surrounded by spirits, or, you know, had experiences or noises, or things that make you go home in the night, and we kind of thought everybody had those same experiences. Of course, the older you get, the more you talk about it, the more you're like. No, they, you know, they got a little bit crazy, and I maybe you should just stop right. And then up until recently, of course. So then, you know, we went down that spiritual path have been on that spiritual path for about 30 years. and then, just a couple of years ago, when I was up at the Stanley Hotel, I was there with my child and one of his friends. and we were just doing, you know, ghost hunting and looking for spirits and all of those good things, and we really didn't have a ton of huge experiences. But we were sitting in our room, and we were kind of debriefing, just sitting on the bed talking, and we had flashlights that we had inadvertently left to the size of the bed on the night sands. and one of them turned on. and I looked over. and I saw something, and I was like, Wow, and but nobody else saw it. and that's when I realized that of you. I could also hear them. and she looked at me and said, You can see me. And I put my. And in this whole transition of things, because it happens so quickly, I put my little Sls camera up, and I also saw her shape. But then I lost what I saw with my with what it started, you know, at that point, to become the ability. It's interesting. And when you're talking about your grandfather visiting at his funeral it reminds me that when my grandmother passed I wasn't able to go to her funeral, either. We were up living in Denver, Colorado, and it was my senior year during finals. and she was down in Texas. So my dad's like, well, why don't you stay here, you know, for school and everything while we go down for her? Because she was sick at first. but then, a couple of months later, I had a dream where she came to me to say goodbye. and at first I wasn't sure if it was a dream, or a or a real visitation. But then, at the end, she's like I have to go. But I want you to know, no matter what anybody says. I'm proud of you, and I love you. Shortly after that somebody said some things that reminded me of that point which at the dream when she said that. and it just solidified right there that that was a visitation that was not a dream. And to this day I still believe that that she came to say goodbye to me. That's amazing what a gift. Yeah. absolutely. And there, you know. And that's just where we as we've taken it forward now as we're doing, whether it's readings or whether it's working in mediumship skills or crossings or whatnot. It's the same thing, right? It's it's how people are sharing their energy. They tell their stories. Everyone. This isn't one thing we really want to share and and teach is, it's not a gift. Everyone can do this. Everyone is, everyone is psychic. Everyone has their intuitive abilities. Everyone has some skill of medianship. It's whether or not you're open to receiving it right. And whether you are. Are are you willing to tap in and pay attention to it, or are you gonna let fear? Just say, hmm! Don't want to do it. I don't want to know. And and there's some folks that just don't want to know. And okay, good for you. So close. Yeah. When you're ready. Was the rest of your family open to your abilities when you. as Brett, came out, that you had them. I I think we think so. We've had some family members who are like, Hey, I want to do this or that. I want to talk to this person. So we've we've had them approached us, and we've we'd help them with readings or understanding some things that they wanted to understand. But we've also had some that just don't even discuss it with us. And that's okay, too. Yeah. I mean, you know, we earned our street cred, so to speak in the corporate world. So we did the college. And we're in the corporate jobs. And we do those things. So that bought the credibility in terms of, okay, we're not totally cuckoo for cocoa puffs, but they're still like, Oh, okay, we don't know about that. Those sisters. Yeah, like. We're meeting. That's a side line, as well as you know. We're coming out of our broom closet. Just get out. Oh, yeah, I definitely get that. Also. We've had some family members that are like, you know, you shouldn't mess with that stuff. And this is all we do is talk about it really. I mean, we both have abilities, but we are, you know. We don't use them as often, but we. Like mind. Be. Our our family members are like, you know, that that's dangerous, and you need to trust in Jesus Christ. And I'm like, Thank you. I I appreciate your concern. Doing okay. Yeah, it's. A lot of I love you, too, Yeah. that's the reason why I love Jesus Christ. And he says, it's okay. Him yep. Yes. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah, do other members of your family have these talents, or is it just you 2. Well, in talking with our mom a lot more lately, and just listening to stories and things. I I think she she is she's never knew it. So you know, now she's finding out more and more that oh, and as we're doing and saying things all of a sudden, she's seeing things, and things are becoming more open and getting past life or getting historical. And things like that done, it really does go back ancestrally. We think it was probably our great grandmother. based on stories we've heard. That was probably very, very open. He's he's working on Chicong, but he does Tai Chi as well so, and and loves a lot of the native principles. And he's always been a huge philosophy fan, right? So yeah. So in terms of that it's kind of one of those. Oh, okay. Well, you know, you throw in some things that maybe they wouldn't think of, and but they don't judge. That's awesome. Well. Either one of you ever been read by a fellow seer, you know. Oh, yeah. Oh, yes. oh, yeah. And it's fun, right? And the thing is, we'll let people practice with this, too. We work with as mentoring and so on, where we'll take turns reading for people. And then they read for us. because that's how you learn, and that's how you grow, right so that you learn to what we call a dictionary is your dictionary of terms. So when I see something continually in reading, as I learn to recognize, that's what it means when I'm seeing it, it would mean something totally different for her, potentially. So it's all it's it's it totally interpreted, based on everything that we're doing over and over again. So yeah. it's good practice for other folks that want to do it. Awesome. Yeah, I was in a a group that one of our friends teaches for Tarot, and it's the Beginner Tara Reading group. And so each person goes along. And it's like you ask your question, and each person pulls a card and interprets the question based on the card they pull. And I always feel like when I'm doing it. Okay, is this just stuff I'm making up is any of this resonating? So don't get a lot of feedback. So it's like, for, for all I know, I'm just living in the stream world. And you know, just saying whatever they're like, yeah, that makes no sense. But I'll be nice. I, you know, when when we're doing practice groups and working with others and mentoring or I'm being mentored. Or however, that's working at that moment. I always worry about that, too. I'm like, are they? Just nodding because they're, you know, we're on a friendly basis, and they don't want to upset me. Right. Really working out for us right? What's. Like, I said. First time we talked, you guys did kind of point out the fact that there is something of a railroad or a train in our Kimber. It's an ice live. and so. I doubt very seriously on my Facebook or anything like that. You see anything about trade. So you know. Yeah, no, that was Natalie. She saw that just loud and clear something about the train, and I think there was a sick bed or something. What else did you see? Yeah, yeah. I saw Yeah, which is interesting because, we lost both our grandfather and our father to cancer. And When I yeah, both of them did work with the railroad, and when my grandfather passed, Richard was actually at his death bed before he passed so. And I did something I've always wanted to do to him. when he was dead I just leaned in and kissed him on the on the head, and said, goodbye. I love you. All smart. That is hard. What! What a great thing for him! As he starts to transition. Yes, so tell us one thing that you love about each other being sisters. Nope. Use her brain. Her brains. Agree. Yeah, she's she's brilliant. She got her Master's degree. In what business? Admin? Right? So I don't from from, do you? With Denver University University University of Denver. So no shrinking, Violet. So I'm always impressed with her brain. I think what I love is that we can. One of the many things is, we've always been best friends. We can fight. we can slam a door, and but we acknowledge each other immediately, and we can come right back to it. There is not a thing that we can't share and be honest about, not a thing. And it it may. It may be one of those, hey? Not? It's not intended for anybody else, whether it's the family friends, anybody. But there's no secrets. I think. Like I, said, Kimber and I, even though we're 6 years apart, have just such a wonderful relationship where we could sit there and argue for about 5 or 10 min, and about a couple of minutes later, hey, dinner's ready. Yeah. Yeah. And then, also, being brother and sister, you, you usually see that bond like with 2 brothers or 2 sisters, but a brother and sister having that bond is is something that is really special to us. Yeah. Yeah, that. Yeah, I tell everybody he's not just my brother. He's one of my best friends. You're my favorite Sibling. Yes. Yeah. Yes, I have 6 5 other brothers. So yeah, that's why he says, sibling. Got it. Got it. The only girl and 7 children. So. She's your favorite sister, for sure. Oh, definitely. Yes. That's what I tell my mom. Every time I talk to my mom, she's like, well, you know, you're my favorite daughter. I'm like mother, I'm your only daughter. Right. She's like. That's why you're my favorites. Yeah, thanks. Mom, appreciate it. Yes. Yeah. And my mother thinks I'm the good kid. Super. 5. Yeah, right. So how? How do each of you experience your talent? Is it something that you see in your mind and images? Or do you hear words or colors. And how did you learn to interpret what you're experiencing with it? So like Stephanie was talking about that whole dictionary creation. So over the hundreds of readings that we've done at this point, you know there's certain things that mean certain things to me, so I'll see that in my mind's eye as I tap in. and that will, you know, typically tell me what's going on with that person? I know that she does experience more and color. And recently I've started hearing words so. And I think you know, just for doing this, for you know, just over a year, that's kind of, you know, developing in that pattern. So I'm excited to see where that goes from here. Yeah, yeah. Nice Co, color. Lots lots of different colors. I definitely hear I know my biggest ones. If I'm looking at the Clares right? All your different. Clairvoyance player, audio, etc. That so hearing is a big one, the the seeing in terms of all the color. Those are 2 of my most prominent, and then there'll be images. There's generally images but like when it's medium ship or spirit guides, I'll get a name. and sometimes there's imagery, whereas for her she'll have like full medium people kind of joining, and for me it might just be like, I feel like it's your uncle, and his name is, you know, Harry Henry, and they're going. Yes, may blah blah blah, whatever. So it really varies. But the colors are huge for me. I've always dreamed in color always, and they're always very. very much a movie, right? People. I'll explain them to the family, and they're like this was all night and like well, I don't know. I was just wondering that I remember when I woke up. So probably not. But it's every night. It's all. Always dream. She's very vivid, very yeah. You know. I dream the I dreamed the other night that I was in a movie with Robert de Niro, and it was sort of like this musical type thing, you know, I had the bright lights of kind of a mixture of New York pickled Daily Square, Tokyo, that sort of thing all these? If images were going through. Interesting. What is that? Present to you. because normally I can pull something out of mine. It interest it kind of interest. Well. what it meant to me was the fact of, I've got to start using my creativity, because I mean. where else would you see Robert de Niro, in a white gown hospital gowns at the top of his lungs, with an ivy out of his arm, you know. Yeah. Right, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. definitely, some expression needed there. I mean, first things I get from that when you say spotlights. I heard Tokyo. So there's some travel. There's some need for you to get out of your comfort zone a little bit get out of your space and explore right? And some of that is your creativity, just like you were talking about with knowing that you need to get that out there. But I think you need to take it on a bigger level, and that's why you're seeing bigger places than just like down the street someplace right. Yeah, my dreams are usually very vivid. where I mean all, all my senses are proactive. I can smell things. I can taste things. Full of emotion like I wake up, and I can still feel the emotions of the dreams. I mean, they're just very, very powerful, and I feel like they say people who dream vividly don't sleep well. That's definitely me. Really. Oh, I sleep great. Oh, no, I always wake up tired, but like I said. Cause you're exhausted. I'm running through all your dreams. But exactly. Yeah, are you also in the impact. I've been told I am I've always thought of myself as being empathetic. Because I'm very compassionate towards people, but I've had several sensitives. Tell me, no, you are not just, and if empathetic, you are an impact, and I know Richard is as well. That feeling as well. And the reason so, difference being. And I'm sure that they told you the same thing is yes, very empathetic. And that's amazing. It's always good to be that. But when you go into a really crowded space, if there's negative energy, do you feel the need to run right away. Do you feel it like overwhelmed going? Okay. Mike. That's him for me. It's people like I've come across people that I'm just like. I just get a very negative vibe for this person, and I think to myself, well. I tried to write it off like there was this one girl and I just from the beginning there was something about her, and I thought it was jealousy that, you know, because she came into my to the place that I worked. She surpassed me very quickly. and so I was like, I just jealous. And I would be like trying to rationalize it and come to terms with it and be like, Okay, you shouldn't feel this way about this person. And then, sure enough, she did some stuff that was really toxic in the environment. And then another person, too. The same thing happened. I got very negative vibes from them. I ignored them. Then, when it all came tumbling down. my boss turned to me. He's like, you know I love you, but next time please, warn me of these people in advance. If you can tell, let me know. Yes, definitely cause he's oblivious. He loves everybody and wants to give everybody a chance, and. Yeah. Yeah, just like maybe we shouldn't do this one. Press them. Guys. That's it's been several times where I've been. kind of in the kind of get that feeling of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. and let me tell you a little story. I was in a adult club with another and this other guy was sitting next to me making all these net. You know I'm being friendly to the owner. Bring friendly to the manager. I'm being friendly to the waitresses, and this guy is just his loud mouth is getting on and on and on and on the manage the manager came over to me and says, man. you know you wanna go ahead and go, you know. Tab's been taken care of. You have a nice night. I said. Well, thank you, and I shook his hand and walked out the door, and the room became very dark after I as I was leaving, so I've wasn't sure whether that other gentleman was going to be taken care of more or less. In a different way, but. Way. Yeah. Rough. Done. By the bouncer. Right. Yeah, that's so. I know we're here tonight to talk about spirit guides. What would you say? Because I know a lot of people. There's angels, there's spirit guides. There's. you know, all these different Darkskin. Entities. I like entities, you know, all these different phases of of the spiritual world, you know, and what exactly, is a spirit guide. Oh, that's a great question. So like all of the things that you just mentioned, there are so many different. So you know, there's the masters or Jesus Buddha. You know what. whatever your Master might be, and then there's God or the universe, or you know, arc angels and metron, and you know the list goes on and on. So when you are working with your spirit guides, typically, you have spirit guides that come in and out of your life. They come in to serve a purpose, to teach you a lesson, to move you through something on your path. You also have one that is, maybe this is kind of my belief right now. Are kind of assigned to you through your entire life. To make sure you're kind of walking that path that you agreed to when you when you came here. So you you can have 4, 5, 6, 2 spirit guides at a time. But then you also have spiritual people that will come in and help you on your day to day basis on, you know whatever you need to learn that day, or whatever you're trying to accomplish. Yeah, what? What? I'm sorry. So what's the difference between a guardian angel and the the in and out of a spirit the certain spirit guides, and just to clarify. Oh, my gosh! You just read my mind. I was just gonna ask that when you interrupted me. So I actually kind of see them as one in the same. Your spirit guides are always with you, and they operate as that guardian angel as well. So we work with one of our mentors because, you know, you gotta stay real in the entire field. One of our mentors is has a really good story about this about your spirit guides. They'll throw little pebbles or rocks at you to keep you on your path. So you know those those little challenges that make you turn away, or maybe go this way. Those rocks get bigger and bigger the more you don't listen until something significant happens to push you into the right direction. And of course, on the other side, if you're so far on your path. But you're headed toward a car accident that's not supposed to be there. They will push you back on this path as well, being that guardian angel keeping you in between your guard rail, so I really see them as the same. Like a minesweeper. Kind of. In the United. In the Navy there is a ship that goes through a canal that will try to attract all the minds away from you, and Cause I was on a minesweeper when I was in the navy. So that's what what you're describing to me is more or less of a That's exactly. But I see. But you leave the little mines there to make sure, the ship doesn't go off course. This is the course you follow. Back in 92 or 93 I remember a friend of mine was on the Uss. Triple during desert the original desert storm desert shield, and the reason why the triple got hit by mine is, the captain decided it wanted to back up. So when it backed up it actually hit one of those little mines. Hmm! Oh, my! Made! It made a change off course that was not planned. Exactly. Right. And that's what you're. That's what you're aim your your, whether it's your guardian angels, your spirit guys wh. Whatever you want to really refer to them, as it's all about guidance. Right? So you talk to them in the morning, and and you set your intentions and say nothing that's not meant for my highest good, or for the highest good of others, and ground yourself for your day, and then say, Okay, here we go, and you're like. Are they sitting back and enjoying a nice lunch? Or are they like throwing rocks at you? Going? Pay attention! Good God! Get up, woman, get up! I don't have the minesweeper, though, that a minesweeper is a great analogy, and I keep that for stories going forward. It's a great analogy. I'll give you permission to use it. Thank you. I have this on on recording. It's recorded in. Right. We heard. Yes. So how? How would one get in like contact with their spirit guides to make that connection. Sorry we have dogs. We're left now. So really, working with spirit guides is more about paying attention. Do you want me to stop. No, no, no, no! I was just gonna make the comment of like. Now we know who who let the dogs out. You let the dogs out. Right. Yes. So yeah, it's yeah. Go ahead. Continue, if you like. Perfect. So. and I think that's kind of there's like a fad draw towards spirit guides right now, and I think so many people really want that connection with figuring out their own path. And I think working to get to your spare guide is really about paying attention. So some people may just stop, pay attention and start understanding or start hearing. Other people really have to do the work, to, to pull into that connection and by doing the work. It's like, you know, getting the stuff that you believe about yourself out of the way, like, who are you told to be when you were a little kid. Were you gonna be Lutheran, Methodist, Buddhist? What did you have to believe? And what did you develop into because of that? So you start moving some of that out of the way, and it opens you to really any possibility. And once possibilities start becoming more open the more you're going to be able to hear or connect to things that you know. Maybe others don't see. You know, there's that story. and I'm going to have to look for the exact reference to this. but, like the Indian shaman standing on the shore of a country. sees the ships approaching. There's they've never seen ships before this, and this is like, you know, way back, when explorers were out. No one had ever seen ships before. He's standing there with his entire tribe, and no one else sees it. and as they get closer and closer he starts describing it to other people because they're still not seeing it. because it's not their reality. They they wouldn't understand that. But as it gets closer and closer, and as this description becomes more pure. other people also start to see it. So I think we only believe what we believe we can see. And once we open our beliefs. there's a lot of things that we. you know, that's out there that is going to be exciting for all of us, and I think spirit guides are part of that. I agree. I think that we were blessed because our mother was such a a strong spiritual person herself, as far as her psychic abilities and her sensitivities that growing up around, that we learned it was okay to embrace them. I think what shows like shuts it off for us is our own insecurities and our own fears. No, no, no, not for me! Not for you. Okay? Well, then, I'm sorry. Suffering. For myself. Yeah. Sale. Sorry. At least, that's fine. I just had a moment in my. Yeah. Nate. I had a bad experience in a haunted house to where I just basically shut myself completely off of my, but my ability for several years. Hmm! Wow! I mean, we're talking about physically and mentally, you know. abuse from this entity. So it scared me very much. So so. Oh, my goodness! I was unaware of that! Yeah, we happened in mom's house out out in Atkins. Where she lives now. Oh, wow! That's interesting, cause I've never really. I know she's heard and seen things. And so it's our step, Dad. But I've never really experienced anything there myself, so. Yeah, that kind of really shut me down, you know, kind of like. I always like to make this analogy because it's visual. Roddy Mcdowell made a movie where he was a psychic. I think it was like the the ledger, the Hell House, or something like that. Yeah? Where? Tina. So house. Haunting of Hill House, where he you actually saw this thing where he's standing there alone, and you could see him dropping his little psychic shield, and he just screams at the top. This lungs because the evil in the house is just invading his. His mind. Wow! 380 00:32:04.740 --> 00:32:07.280 Skeptic Psychic: That is basically what happened to me. So. Wow! That's incredible. Wow! What an ex! And you're able to go back to the house without any problems. I mean. I haven't been back to the house in ha fo! 15 years. Oh, wow! I haven't seen my mother, my mother, in 15 years. Sorry to say people. And you're the good son. Yes. Yes, how can we distinguish between your own intuition and miss messages from your spirit? Guides. That's a great question. So oftentimes. when I think that I might be imagining something into my mind, if it's something that I might connect with what I do is that I pull back in, and I try to completely wipe everything away. I re ground, and then, if it comes back to me then I truly think that it's something that I'm getting through intuition. I would say the same for me. It's it feels like it's a poke or a prod, or it's something from my spirit guys, right? That it's a word or a a smack, or you know, something that's more tangible versus intuition. It's like, Natalie was saying. I mean, part of it is okay. Clear your mind. Sit and clear for a second. Yep, Nope, still there. that's intuition, right. There's something else there for me that I'm supposed to be examining, whereas my my spirit guys, it's almost like having a friend around that's going. No. no, don't do that. Are you asking? Ask it in a way like, Show me in a way that doesn't make sense right? And then some really weird image will come across. And it's like, Okay, this is this is really meant for me. Right? This is it? Thanks. I appreciate it, right? Yeah. Or like, you're running late for something. There's been a lot of. Time. Where I'm going. Oh. you know for me it's Great spirit, some it's spirit, some it's God, some it's universe, whatever it might be. But it's oh, all the lights. Just boom! Boom! Boom! They line up. Okay, thank you. Love the divine intervention. I appreciate all the help yay, and and for spirit guys, it's kind of that same thing, right? They're they're divine intervention for whatever your belief system is, it's it's something that's a higher power that's stepping into that to say. hmm! Not that way. Where's your intuition? Like your dreams? In a similar kind of way, is something that you're catching. It's a dictionary term in your minds eye that is meant for you to interpret. Okay. And I should point out the way that this kind of started for us, though. is just noticing it. Everybody has this where you have so many coincidences that are just showing up in your life, and you know you're maybe shopping for Akia, Sorrento. And all of a sudden you see 8 Thousandia Sorrentos on the road. You know, it's those kind of coincidences in your life. You start paying attention to those little things, and they start adding up to bigger things, and they're they're more than just coincidences. Well, and I was always told she's so lucky, and I am. I know that, completely blessed. I walk into interviews, and they're like, sure I got the job. I mean, I got one job the very first one we did in corporate world, and they said, well, if your sisters anything like you just go back out. I mean, we were young, right? It's out of college first it job kind of thing. Her interview was next, and and he's like, if she's any any half like you are. Just tell her she's hired to. We'll just skip that interview. We'll see you guys in Florida. And they really did. And they. Wow! They paid us to go to Florida for training. Right? That's when they first met me. It was very so. Yes, very lucky. And it's always been like that. as I get more evolved and more open, the more open, you know, because we've always had some. The intuitive abilities we've always definitely always had the medium and and the spirits and the things like that. But as you really start evolving more in those conversations with your spirit guides, and so on. You're going alright. How much is luck? And how much is that? I'm just picking the right path all the time? Right? Right? Which? Yeah, we have to say, there's a little bit of both. There's a lot of yeah. I'll take luck every day and twice on Tuesday. But yeah. Can spirit guides assist in healing emotional or physical issues? How would this process work? Hmm. I've never thought of it like that, and you know I wouldn't rely on my spirit guides. I wouldn't ask them for help in that, because that's my path, not theirs. They're here to help me stay on the path, and they'll do what they can for that purpose. But they're not here to serve full blitz. Just sing. And I think the guidance from them, you know. there's always, I mean, whether it's holistic or whether it's Western medicine, Eastern medicine, whatever it might be. But ultimately, if you're really really in tune with that, you're also in tune with the alignment of your body. Your chakras you're you're listening to your guides, you're listening to those things and saying, Okay, I've tried some of these approaches. You don't just throw a little dirt on it and and say, Okay, that giant growth on my arm is gonna go away all by itself by asking the stars something that requires a little little intervention. So I do believe that they are absolutely there to guide, as Natalie said, and to help you make those really good decisions. It's not like a a high school football coach. It says, just rub some rough some dirt on it, and. You're fine. Get back out there. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Here's your son of quarter zone, or whatever it is. Now get back out there. Yeah. You have any questions from? I've been asking all the. Well, I've been asking questions. Well, you know. Ask you about your abilities, and why use them or don't use them? Yeah, Richard does or doesn't. And that too. Yeah, for me. I have been trying to open up to my abilities for quite a while. Actually. I have sometimes where it comes through like clear as day. I'll hear a voice in my head that I know it's not mine. Or I'll like smell a smell in the air which I know there's like 2 in the morning. I'm sitting up watching TV all of a sudden. I'll get a whiff of a perfume. and I know it 2 in the morning. Nobody's out walking the streets this close to my house selling a perfume or I'll be asleep, and I'll hear a doorbell ring, and I'll get up, and there's nobody at the door. But then, when I tried to get it to come, naturally, I hit a brick wall. so it's I think I just need to figure out how to harness and nurture it, because when it comes through it's crystal clear. very powerful. But when it? Doesn't I get nothing? Yeah. my, honestly, my first experience with the paranormal it was basically I'd be. My mother would say I'd be outside at in the dark, either playing with the dogs or talking with people that weren't there like 3 or 4 in the morning type thing, because the people would call my mom Her name is Dixie, by the way, and it'd always be like Dixie. Do you know where your son is. She's like, yeah, he's in bed asleep. No, he's in the backyard, or he's walking down the block. No way. And I'm 2 or 3, 4 years old. When I was doing all this he did that. Too! Yeah. But any. And so when I was about 8 or 9 years old, I started having, you know, a few dreams that I could not explain. I saw I would wake up in the middle of the night with people arguing. 465 00:40:02.930 --> 00:40:05.330 Skeptic Psychic: and it'd just be my my dad worked at night. So it and my mom was usually asleep, so I could not understand it. several little instances throughout my life, where nobody knew where I was because I would wander off. Talking with Somebody that's not there or follow. you know we also had in our lives about 3 haunted houses we lived in. And the first haunted house was basically as the first time ever experienced what you would probably call a spiritual guide. It was a female none. I mean, we're in the whole habit. And the Oda. The old cloak. Cloak, you know. Yeah. And she's very sweet, lady and also I'd have a spirit that would actually sit there on. Looking, looking at me in the middle of the night. which these days would probably they would consider either a a tall man or something like that, but it would always keep an eye on me throughout the night. I wake up the midlight, have to go to the bathroom. We'd be sitting there going like this. making sure I was okay. Interesting. Yeah, that's awesome. Well, maybe not awesome. At that age. Alright guys. And when right around the time that got, I actually my my first wife divorced me. A couple of months before, I had a very vivid nightmare of my grandfather, not the one that I kissed on top of the head, but the my mom's grandfather my Mom's father, who was an alcoholic and died on the side of the road somewhere. but he came to me in a dream. and to me he's always been the scary man. and he woke me up in the middle of the night. And it's just. you know, scary man, laying laying over my bed. My ex wife is still asleep, and I'm like, what do you want? What do you need for me? And he just kind of looked at me side and drifted back. So I called my mom the next day and says, Mom. I just saw you know your well, didn't you did. Yeah. Did you explain the the scary man to her? And she's like, that's my father. Yes, and she says, What do you mean? And I explained to her, you know you know how I always said that Paul Paul Jim was a scary man. She says, yeah, I I described him to him about, but the last thing she saw of her father before before he died, and she says. Okay, what do you think he meant? I said, Well. could you show me where he's buried? He may. I was too little of a kid to go see go to the funeral back. Then. So she took me out to the military graveyard where he was buried, and as I'm she's sitting there she and I are looking at it. She looks down, says, Hey, Daddy, I you wanted to talk to Ricky for a little while. I brought him. This is your grandson and I sat there, and just for about 50, for Mom says it was like 30 s or so, but I felt just like 1520 min of just talking to this guy who to me scary man because he again alcoholic, you know, and. He also had skin cancer, and they had to remove his nose and stuff. Yeah. Oh! So it was like I was reconnecting with something that was missing from my younger life. So. And what did he tell you cause I feel like there was some apologies, or him trying to connect with you on a non scary level like I am your grandfather, and I loved you kind of thing. It was. Well, it was basically kind of a I got. The conversation dealt with the fact of. He saw that he was so sorry that he didn't mean to be the scary man he he was proud of me for going into the sir to the Navy. you know, because he was a navy man himself, and that he basically it's like, when when you get up to the pearly gates. I've got the first beer for you. Oh! Oh! Some. Yes. Really cool. That's a great connection. Yeah, for me. It was, I'm sorry. Go ahead. Please! Oh, I was just gonna say for me it was like seeing different things. hearing things like one of my favorite shows when I was a kid, was three's company. No boy. And. Oh, yeah. I can remember laying in bed trying to fall asleep in the whole house. Everybody's in bed asleep, and I'm awake. Can't sleep, and I could swear I hear the theme coming from my living room. So I get up, go in there thinking my parents are there watching the show Tvs off everything silent. So I go back to bed, and I start hearing the theme song again. What is going on? So I'd get up again, go look and nothing. And then I remember one of the houses that we lived in. There was something there that was connected to me, and I had a lot of scary instances that happened. But one thing I remember is waking up and seeing a shadow figure. It's like peeping in my door. and I thought it was my mom, and I was like, and I mean it was so dark that you could actually see the outline of the blackness against the darkness behind it. : and I was like, Oh, is it time to get up? And the figure? I literally saw it nod. and then it like moved away, and it was gone. So I get up and I'm like, you know, all the lights are off the house and like, why is my brother so asleep? He's gonna get in trouble because he was down. Rick was down the the hall sleeping. So I go into the kitchen kitchens, pitch dark. I turn around and look at the clock on the microwave. It's 3 Am. Oh! So I was like, what in the world? So I'm like, I guess I'll go back to bed. And I asked my mom the next morning. Why did you come to my room at 3 Am. She's like I didn't go to your room. I was fast this week. Boy. Yeah. And then we had some other things that happened. We're like, There was a I felt like I couldn't sleep. I was, had this really negative feeling. and I could see at the edge of my bed like somebody was sitting on the edge of my bed. So I'm like this is all in my head, you know, trying to rationalize. I'm imagining things. So I got up to turn on my radio to call my nerves. and my dresser was sitting right next to my bed, and that's where I saw the line. My jewelry box toppled off of my dresser. So whatever was there got up to. Oh, yeah. And so at that point I'm like freaking out. I'm praying. And then, just at that moment, I think again it was around 2, 3 in the morning our phone rings. and it was a family friend calling from Florida. Rick, answer the phone. If he's like, Hey, guys, I just wanted to see how y'all are doing if everything's okay. At 2, 3 in the morning, at in Florida it was like 4 in the morning. and he was calling to check on this because he just had a feeling something wasn't right. Wow. Yeah, so yeah, we had. I had a couple of. And it's weird, because nobody else really experienced anything in that house but me and the stuff that I experienced was not very friendly. Called you clearly. There's something on that side, too, for them to just be like. Well, he. I mean I was I just during that time that we were in that house I started having the first experiences of being an insomnia. so I'd be up at Yeah. You were up at that time. Or 5 o'clock in the morning, either playing solitaire or just listening to the silence. And And like it's with her. It was like I was actually thanks! Weird things were happening to me. Remember the little piece of the the curtain that drove itself into my arm. No, I don't remember that. Oh, yeah, we had cut. We had to call our stepfather to come over and remove it from me, because. It drove itself into your arm. Yes. Wow! Yeah. Yeah, I had a similar experience with the window where I was my best friend was over the one who passed away. and it was my birthday. She came over to spend the night, and so we had dinner in my room, and I was laying on my bed. My mirror window was right by my bed, so I had my foot up on the bed, the window my mom came in, and she's like, Hey, you need to take yourself some kitchen so I can wash dishes. I got up, stepped away from the window, and it shattered. Wow! Cool. My dad and my step. Dad and my mom came in. They looked around. There was nothing thrown through the window. They called the cops. Cops came out and investigated. There was nothing around. They had no explanation as to why that window shattered. So yeah, we see. But again. That spirit guide going back to what we were talking about having your spirit guide have somebody jump in and move you out of that space. That's what we're talking about. Right? That's somebody stepping in and going. supposed to be on your path, that windows about to shatter. And you're not supposed to be there, and somebody saying, Hey, could you come over here? You needed whatever? Yes, that's intervention. Yeah. Yeah. And it's interesting. The guy that called that night he had an experience himself which I think opened him up. He was in Vietnam. and he actually died in Vietnam. He appeared before his mother as as a spirit. He he remembers it, and his mother remembered it. and then, right after he appeared to her he woke up in the body bag and came back. So I really think that that opened him up when he had that experience. Oh, yeah. Well, just waking up in a body bag would probably open me up. I'm thinking, yeah, when you're when you're done having a second heart attack because you're locked into a body bag and then get up again. Yeah, that's a whole lot of stuff. Is not. Mentioned, and I have very philosophical question that we can all jump in on. Oh, yeah. Sure. So when I get readings a lot of times, you know, I talk about the haunted houses that I grew up in are every every house I go into seems to have some type of haunting. And I said, Well, is it the houses that have been haunted. or is it your abilities that bring things into you to either help them or to scare you or to. And the more psychics that I talked to, you guys included, have seem to have lived in haunted houses a lot in their youth. I've often thought about that myself, because, as I said, my mom is very gifted. Those are just the houses that we've lived in ourselves. But even before we came along my mom was living in haunted houses. Yes. Doesn't. Following you because you can help. Well, some of the some of the things that she had. I don't know if they wanted help. You. Yeah. Not one hell, but. Yeah, I, mean, yeah. They're there for their. Yeah, exactly. But they they know that you can sense them, and they take advantage of that. That's what I believe. And that's kind of what we talked about, too. Richard. What do you feel about it? I kinda feel like 50 50. Okay. Yeah, it basically that the house may be haunted. It may be something that I'm bringing in. So. Yeah. Well, you did also live in that apartment that was haunted by the teenage gang. Banger. Oh, yeah, that was fun. Yeah. Or it becomes haunted because they're like, Hey. this person can see me, and I want to. Well, the the the landlady already told me the house was haunted. Yeah. And he did come to you and said, What the F are you doing in my house get the F out. Boy book. Thanks for the great, well, happy Han. Yeah, it's very interesting. I remember the first time I went over to his apartment. There were footprints at the bottom of the door where somebody was like trying to kick the door in. And I was like, why are the footprints? What were you doing? He's like that wasn't me. Oh, boy, I was like. What do you mean? He's like I woke up, and those were there. Yeah. A week after I moved out the management called me on the phone, saying, Hey, you know, did you have anything else in the house. What you know. Where do you After you moved out I said, no, I don't think so. Why. somebody had kicked in the door. and from what it looked like they kicked it from the inside out. Wow! Wow! That's frightening you. You had some frightening experience. I I haven't had a lot of frightening experience. : Which is why I kind of really, don't you know. And yes, and understand, because there are those that we'll see the darker. You know that that sometimes it's it's because everybody's got a it seems, and I won't say everybody that's big generalization. But we seem to flock to certain people or certain I don't wanna say even genres. That's music, but certain types of people that come to us to cross right. I, one of our mentors that we've talked about here. Hers is Cycle Pass. For some reason give her a good mass, murder or psychopath, and they can find her all day long in terms of like, Hey, you know, help me out. Weapon. Okay. I don't even I don't even like watching too many of the modern day. Horror movies. Right, I mean, but for you it seems like there's something about that that they recognize. Yeah. And it's interesting cause I've heard that torture souls attract tortured souls. and you know, and that's why I feel like I've always been very compassionate people, because I have had a lot of trauma in my past. Me! And maybe on the other side, they could sense that and that cause. I even have people that I need in my life that are, you know, not the best people that you really wanna be friends with, but for some reason they wanna be friends with me. And so I I maybe that carries over to the other side as well. They can sense that you have that compassion that you're not gonna really judge them, and you're gonna help them out so. but. Figuring. I I one, have always believed, because I know some people believe that. Oh, there's only goodness out there, and when people die. all there is is a goodness, I believe, when you die, what you were in this life you're going to be in that life for one, and I do believe there are dark entities out there as well, that you need to be careful of. And read. And so that's part of why I think for me it's been hard to open up, because I do have that in a fear of what if I attract something that means yeah, not nice. And actually like, I said, they get their kicks out of scaring you and harming you and. Right. I don't want to attract anything like that. So I think that's why I haven't been able to develop my intuition as well as I want to. And you know that's really true for a lot of people who get into the fear. And if you take it from a different because the perspective of energy fear is opposite of courage or not. Not courage. Cure curiosity. So if you're really scared, if you can try to get over to curious rather than being afraid of what you're seeing. It changes the energy and how it approaches you as well. You have to think about as you continue to try to. Yeah. And grounding. It's a lot of setting up the old ground clear. Protect, right? You're grounded clear in your mind, and that protections around you, and when I'm saying it, it is nothing negative, nothing not intended for me, for my highest good or the highest good of others, and it's all, if it's in situations like that, where I'm feeling a little fear, I ground, I clear I protect, and then I'm like, what are you afraid of? There is nothing. Did the dead demons and things. I I cannot say the same thing. We don't. We don't know a lot about them the dead, because I know that they can come through and do very bad things. I I deeply respect that. I deeply believe that, but in terms of the dead they can't hurt you in this. It's. It's the evil evil, and that's when you've got to really set yourself up for the curiosity and a lot of protection. Be. And when you leave somewhere like Richard, if you to go see your mom at that location again, then that's a lot of you know as you're leaving, and you get outside. You're like grounding, and you clear it, and it's all back here, and I'm not, and nothing comes with me. No attachments. See him. Nothing comes tagging along. You don't get to go. yeah. definitely, that's something I need to work on. I have adhd so it's, I found it very hard for me to ground because my brain is always up here, and so I'm trying to get it to come down. And with the grounding. Well when it comes to I also do have a DHD. Kim. You know that my grounding is constant. Hold it! Like I I've said I've told just about every person we've talked to who it says, as a photo says, I have shut myself down when it comes to something like, you know. because of that innate fear that I went through. Oh, I don't blame you. Yeah, not at all. Yeah. yeah. I once had a my friend who's a medium. She's like, your brain is like : a Nascar race going 150 miles an hour, just around the track, over and over again. I was like you get me. Yeah. why, we're friends. Yes. yes. Well, this has been a interesting, very interesting conversation. I thank you so much for coming. We'd love to have you on again. I know we are supposed to talk about Stanley Hotel also, and your experiences there, but if you all are upward, we'd love to have you back for that sometime. Of course that sounds great. Thank you for having us. Oh, not a problem. Where can where can we find you in the world? Wide web. So you can find us the best place to go is right up to immersive spirit, which is, IMME. RSIV. E. spirit.com, and all of our socials are on there. Our blogs on there you can do scheduling. See what our services are. So, you know, if you want a reading, whether it's taro or intuitive, whether you know, if you're looking for some rakey if you are looking to, do you know you have a something going on in your property where you've got some haunting issues? You want us to come and take a look at neither tell you what we think is going on, or help cross those entities over, if possible. If that's their path we're happy to help. We're our goal is to be as helpful to others as we possibly can serve as many as we can. That is awesome. Do you have any upcoming events, or anything that you wanna plug as well. We do have. We're teaching at another another site for the sage method, if you've ever heard of Isabel Maxwell. But she, we're going to be doing a couple of different things at her retreat in Washington in June. And she's one of our mentors and a fantastic person. Yeah, she's a great reader. And then I've got just a little festival coming up in Kalispel, which is just outside of my my town, where I'm at live in Whitefish, Montana, and I'm normally at, and that's that's the fairy. I think it's the Fairy Flathead Festival. It's the first annual. So I'm very excited. I'm going to be there doing readings and offering Ricky for a couple of days. Oh, yes, and next week. How about that? We're just doing a go times at one of the hotels. So we're thinking about maybe trying to do evidentiary filming. And we might start a Youtube channel, or we'll see how that goes. We're gonna see? How does it go? Sent. Awesome. That's what I wanna do. I just gotta find people to do it with me, cause he's like, I'm not going with you. You have to do that on your own. I will be in Cripple Creek, Colorado, next weekend. So. Who awesome. Which is, we've been there for other similar things, right? But we're not going to take anybody else with us this time, so that we can really just perfect, fit. Yes. Get it to be. In those moments. Yes. Isn't there specific. Goes, yeah. Isn't there supposed to be a woman in red in one of the casinos, or something like that? Maggie. Yes. Yeah. Maggie, yeah. at least she's not. At least she's not a woman in white. Not good. I thought about the 3. Yes, I I went there with my parent, my dad, and my step mom. When we lived in Denver we went to there for a weekend. They wanted to gamble, and so I heard some of the stories of Maggie, and was trying to feel out, see if I could sense her while we were there, but I think there was just too many people, so she was hiding. Oh, yeah, exactly. Lots of good stuff going on there, I thought. Was there one other event you had coming up local? I don't remember I thought there was something else we had to, but those are the big ones, and we will. We need to make a better point of. I'll make sure events are listed out on our website as well, so that you can follow along on those. Awesome. Well, if everyone knows where they can find us, we are on. Fine dustin. So Kitty skeptic psychic.com we also do have a our Facebook page again, skeptic psychic.com. And you could probably find a our podcast on just about every outlet and podcasting devices. You can. Yes, our, actually for Facebook. It's a group, yeah, where people would like minded come and hang out. And we post meetings and and different things there. It's a safe place for believers and non-believers. And if you are listening to our podcasts. yes, we do ask that you rate us with 5 stars. 5, stars, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Yes, if if you do, if you can leave a review, we read them on air. We desperately need reviews, so please review us and anything else, I forgot to add, before we sign off for this week. Just unpleasant nightmares. Sweet dreams! Everybody! Take care! Good night. Ganette.