Flat Earth @11:09 - Skeptic Psychic Thank you for coming to the skeptic psychic. I am, of course, your host or one of your hosts, I should say, Richard Greg. And with me is always the incomparable, incourgable, highly intelligent ADHD, hidden sister of mine, Cameron Rodriguez. @11:45 - Kim Rodriguez (mercesgirl@gmail.com) Hey, how are you this week? @11:47 - Skeptic Psychic I'm doing fine. Long time no see. @11:55 - Kim Rodriguez (mercesgirl@gmail.com) I'm back. Yes. Yes. a little bit of a summer. Hi. It is. Today is September 1st. I can already feel the um the bell fitting as we start getting towards moving into the fall. My favorite time of year. @12:12 - Skeptic Psychic I can feel something in the air tonight. Just hold on. I've been waiting for this moment all of my life. @12:20 - Kim Rodriguez (mercesgirl@gmail.com) Hold on. Yes, Phil Collins. I can definitely feel it in the air. Hopefully we'll start getting some cooler weather. Today was still in the hundreds. @12:33 - Skeptic Psychic But we're moving sometime in the middle of September. Hopefully this will not. @12:48 - Kim Rodriguez (mercesgirl@gmail.com) We will not interfere with recording sessions. Yes, there's cost because we've got a lot of great. @12:58 - Skeptic Psychic I've got to make sure you like because I got. @13:00 - Kim Rodriguez (mercesgirl@gmail.com) My fingers crossed my fingers crossed and my arms crossed Yes, yes, we've got a lot of great episodes. I got a double class There you go, but yes, we've got a lot of exciting episodes planned out for the teenager of this year Um, we're spooky october, I'm really excited. We got some really good Hauntings that I think you'll all enjoy Um, and for all you, uh, UFO fans. @13:29 - Skeptic Psychic I'm sorry. July did fell through but If I'm very nice and very sweet, maybe I can have a couple of those in December, especially on the 16th Everybody knows the 16th doesn't be the 254th anniversary of Beethoven's birthday Remember Those are wonderful days to give the gifts you uh, you uh to someone you love Yes, and october 2nd is also a tiffany's birthday @14:00 - Kim Rodriguez (mercesgirl@gmail.com) as well as staying and gradual marks, so don't forget that day either. Let's hope second. Yes, so what are we talking about this week? @14:12 - Skeptic Psychic We are talking about the wonderful, exciting, and highly controversial, highly political, and highly pseudo-sidical, the flatter. Yes, and now I just, I think I made up that word pseudo-sidical. @14:36 - Kim Rodriguez (mercesgirl@gmail.com) Probably, but so we're talking about the Discworld Universe from during past. @14:44 - Skeptic Psychic not just for Acemore Pock anymore. @14:48 - Kim Rodriguez (mercesgirl@gmail.com) Well, I have a little story to start us off. This was written by Chat GBT. Well, disclosure, and it's just a little something to get us in the mood of tonight's topic. It's called the Edge of the World. @15:02 - Skeptic Psychic Okay, hold on. I gotta do my joke. Okay. It sounds like a double, it's a flat like a lead. That's just the earth. @15:14 - Kim Rodriguez (mercesgirl@gmail.com) Where did that come from? @15:18 - Skeptic Psychic It's an old Warner Brothers cartoon. Bugs Bunny was taking Columbus around the world. @15:28 - Kim Rodriguez (mercesgirl@gmail.com) Okay. So this story, written by chat GBT for tonight's episode, is called The Edge of the World. As we know it. Yes, not the end of the world, but the edge of the world. In a time long before maps and globes, the world was believed to be flat, a vast endless plane stretching out in every direction. People spoke of the edge, a place where the earth dropped away into an abyss of stockers. A realm where the sky met the sea, and where sailors feared to venture. For years it was only a tale told around campfires, a myth passed from parents' child. A young mirror had always been fascinated by the idea of the edge. She often dreamed of what might lie beyond it, of the ocean truly cascaded off into space, or if another world awaited on the other side. One day, healed by her curiosity and the stories of old sailors, mirror decided to embark on a journey to find the edge. She gathered a crew of and a sturdy ship, a wanderer, and they set sail from her village. They traveled for weeks across the column seas through storms passing through strange uncharted territories, where the water gleamed like liquid silver and the wind sang in an evening. Mary whisper. One morning, as the mist began to lift, they saw it, a sharp line dividing the ocean and the sky, the edge of the world. Mira and her crew approached cautiously, their hearts pounding in their chest as they neared the precipice. The waters began to pull for them forward, as if the sea itself was eager to show them its secret. With a deep breath, Mira steered the wanderer closer, and then, just as the ships go, reached the edge, they saw it. The ocean did not fall away into darkness. Instead, it flowed into a shilling waterfall, cascading down into an infinite expanse of stars and swirling galaxies. The crew stared in awe as its celestial sight. They bought a border where Earth touched the cosmos. Suddenly, the ship teetered on the brink, and Mira had to make a choice. Turned back to safety of known – I'm sorry, turned back to the safety of the known world or plunged forward into the mysteries of the unknown. She looked back at her crew, who nodded in quiet determination. With a smile, she gave the orders to push ahead. As they sailed over the edge, instead of falling, they found themselves gliding smoothly along a ribbon of light. A path that wound through the heavens above them, due constellations danced in below endless ocean sparkled like sapphires. Mira realized then that the world was both flat and boundless. The place where horizons folded upon themselves, where every edge led to a new beginning, and where the only limit was encouraged to keep exploring. And so, the wanderer continued its voyage among the stars, guided by the spirits of discovery and the endless curiosity of those who dare to seek the unknown. @19:15 - Skeptic Psychic Is that the wonderful story? @19:16 - Kim Rodriguez (mercesgirl@gmail.com) That's actually very good. Yes. Chat GPT actually did an amazing job writing that. I was actually pretty impressed. I asked it. So who is the author of this story? And it typed that I wrote it just for you. Oh, like that's so sweet. @19:34 - Skeptic Psychic Trust the AI. @19:35 - Kim Rodriguez (mercesgirl@gmail.com) Trust the AI. @19:37 - Skeptic Psychic It will take us over your computer. You're soon to be overlords. @19:42 - Kim Rodriguez (mercesgirl@gmail.com) Yes. So let's get into the beef up to the topic. All right. @19:49 - Skeptic Psychic So like I said, we are talking about the flat earth, which is a little bit of a highly constituted and highly controversial topic. because there are some people out there that believe this and some people that believe that the world is round. And I've heard different sides of the story. Now, to understand this, we must think about the concept of the Flat Earth. That concept of a Flat Earth relives, excuse me, ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to do something to start it. Please give me just one moment while I figure this out. I have a problem that I'm going to have to face one of these days. @20:47 - Kim Rodriguez (mercesgirl@gmail.com) Unique glasses. @20:50 - Skeptic Psychic Yes, I do. Let's see here. @20:55 - Kim Rodriguez (mercesgirl@gmail.com) got mine. Luckily, I only have to use mine for looking at my phone and reading books. The computer still works fine, but I want to get some of those blue light glasses that you can use while you're looking at the computer that's supposed to help protect your eyes and helps prevent eye strain when you're looking at the computer all day, which I do. So I want to buy some of those. @21:31 - Skeptic Psychic See here and I had made it big enough, but I guess I didn't. Well, it's a glare. All right, so let me try this again. me everybody. All right, the concept of a flat earth refers to an ancient belief that the earth is flat rather than spherical. This idea was prevalent in many of the early cultures, but was debunked by scientific observations and evidence dating back to the time of the ancient Greeks, who was the first to propose of the Earth was that of its fear. Now, you've got to understand that the ancient beliefs, the early civilizations that didn't go to travel from place to place and didn't really do too much crossing, we were talking about the Babylonian and pre-classical Greeks, the image of the Earth as a flat disk, myth often depict that the Earth was surrounded by water and upheld by a divine force. Now, for the spherical Earth evidence, the spherical shape of the Earth was demonstrated as early as BCE for Pythiacus and later Eris. who noted that the curvature of shadows of the Earth on the Moon during the flutary eclipses, calculated the Earth's circumference amount of 340 BCE using the angles of the sun's rays and different locations. Now, modern sciences consist is that the overwhelming evidence from astronomy, satellite imagery, and space exploration have confirmed that the Earth is a nearly spherical shape, slightly flattened at the point due to its rotation for a long, oblique spheroidoid, is what we would call it. @23:52 - Kim Rodriguez (mercesgirl@gmail.com) Yes, now despite scientific evidence, there are some modern groups that still promote the idea that but Earth's flat. They often rely on conspiracy theories and pseudoscience. This movement, even though it's small, it has gained the attention in recent years, largely through social media. This flat Earth theory does contradict centuries of astronomical research and physics. The scientific method, combined with modern technology, does continue to refer that the Earth's true shape is round or spherical. The modern day flat Earth movement is generally traced back to English inventor and writer, which was named Samuel Rowe Botham. He lived from 1816 to 1884 and is considered the founder of modern flat Earth thinking due to his 1849 pamphlet, Soteara, or I'm sorry, it's a tatip astronomy, Earth, not a globe, and subsequent books. @25:07 - Skeptic Psychic Now, to understand who the fact Zurich Astronomy is, resident promoted what is to call this, when he claimed that the Earth is a flat-based on which he believed to be the empirical observations. His work is suggested that the Earth was not a flat plane with a north and a center and a wall of Antarctica surrounding the edges, he dismissed the real established scientific explanations, as gravity and the Earth's curvature. Now, in the Zetric Society, Raphon ideas gained some traction leading to the formation of the Zertric Society in the early 19th part of the century. This group continued to promote flat-earth beliefs even as modern science progressed. Now, the modern resurgence of this started happening in the mid-20th century. The flat-earth society was formally reestablished by Samuel Atherton in 1936. @26:22 - Kim Rodriguez (mercesgirl@gmail.com) In 1956, Samuel Schittendt, and accepted, yes, you need glasses. @26:31 - Skeptic Psychic I'm going on with Schittendt. Schittendt attempted to challenge the space exploration as the achievements like that moon landing, claiming that nice photographs in space were fake, nice photographs in space, fake, after he passed away, Charles K. K. Johnson took over and continue promoting the fat earth beliefs through the Flat Earth Society, which published newsletters, pamphlets, and all the papers. recent growth of it from the 21st century, social media has been and always will be contributed in the reassertions of the Flat Earth, allowing it to gain near followers. Vernon conspiracy theorists, Vernon, who was a very conspiracy theorist, have influencers, have adopted a spread over these ideas, and although they remain fringe beliefs, the movement today is more of a cultural phenomenon to do, to do, to phenomenon, do, do, lying on the mainstream and massive. information of conspiracies thinking and skepticism of something that answers like a NASA and the almost scientific community. @28:11 - Kim Rodriguez (mercesgirl@gmail.com) Yes, I mean, I don't understand it because we have satellite photos. We have people who have orbited the Earth and yet they're still saying that it's all fake. @28:25 - Skeptic Psychic Yep, we never went to the moon. @28:28 - Kim Rodriguez (mercesgirl@gmail.com) It was a stage and directed by Stanley Kubrick. @28:32 - Skeptic Psychic Yeah, and in fact, I would love to actually have in the future an episode on the faking of the moon landing. @28:41 - Kim Rodriguez (mercesgirl@gmail.com) That would be cool actually. Yes. Yes. Now the modern day flat Earth theory is a pseudo-scientific belief that does reject the well-established scientific consensus that the Earth is an oblate spheroid. Instead, people of the Flat Earth Theory believe that the Earth is flat and dislike. Kind of like we mentioned earlier, Disc World, which if you don't know, is a great book series by Terry Pratchett. Check it out. But here are some key thoughts of this theory. Most Flat Earth thinkers think that the North Pole is at the center of the disk, and that Antarctica forms a ring around the edge acting as a giant ice wall. And this prevents people and water from falling off of it. This goes into why a lot of people think it's very hard to gain access to Antarctica. I mean, forget that it's freaking freezing. I mean, just stepping outside your fingers would fall off. But they have this theory that the world government has blocked off and Antarctica, so that you can't get access to it and find out the truth of the Earth. @30:07 - Skeptic Psychic Which border is in a conspiracy theory, everybody? @30:10 - Kim Rodriguez (mercesgirl@gmail.com) Yes. Also, they believe in the existence of a gel or a pyramid that encloses the earth. It's often thought to be impenetratable. And it covers the sky trapping everything inside. So I guess kind of like our atmosphere, but a little more impenetratable, I don't know. With this, they believe that the sun and the moon, the stars and the planets, are much closer to Earth than traditional astronomy. How do you think? And they all seem to move around in this job, somehow. @30:50 - Skeptic Psychic I'm thinking of a giant soglow. On the heavens, as is on the earth, as is below. @30:57 - Kim Rodriguez (mercesgirl@gmail.com) Yes, I'm thinking of this giant snow globe. my mind. So just pray that they never shake us up. Now, according to the theory, the sun and the moon are smaller and closer, and they typically described as being only about... @31:13 - Skeptic Psychic Sorry, somebody shook the earth there for a second. @31:16 - Kim Rodriguez (mercesgirl@gmail.com) Sorry? Somebody the earth? @31:21 - Skeptic Psychic Yeah, you didn't say it that. @31:22 - Kim Rodriguez (mercesgirl@gmail.com) Don't worry. Okay, now they say that the sun and the moon are much smaller than what we think. And they're actually much closer to the earth than we think. So we're looking at maybe about 3,000 miles, which would be 4,800 kilometers above us. And these bodies are often said to circle above the flat earth, kind of like a spotlight, and they illuminate different areas at a time. Also, it typically rejects the concept of gravity. So, instead of just, you know, being here, we're kind of like held down, I guess, we're being pushed down. Some versions proposed that the earth is accelerating upward at 9.8 milliseconds, creating the illusion of gravity, while others believe that the density and buoyancy explain why I just fall to the ground. @32:22 - Skeptic Psychic But then of course, you know, I know gravity exists because I'm clumsy. @32:27 - Kim Rodriguez (mercesgirl@gmail.com) I fall down, better get it back up again. You know, my father-in-law actually believes that gravity is an illusion. He's got a different theory about how it is, but yeah, there is actually people out there and highly intelligent people that believe that gravity is an illusion. So it's not just the platter of people. Yes, now we get to what I was saying before about Antarticon, it's conspiracy. The flat earth proponents ought to to argue that space agencies and government scientists are hiding the true nature of the earth. They do believe that all images and videos from space are faked and the exploration of an article is restricted to keep people from discovering the truth of this wall, which goes back to what I said before. They also claim that the horizon always appears flat to the naked eye and that no one has ever observed the curvature even at high altitudes. They also use this evidence that the earth is not a sphere, but that is again flat. @33:38 - Skeptic Psychic Now, fried earthers do believe in the distrust of the mainstream science, believing it to be controlled by the hidden elites and their beliefs are often reinforced by combinations of skepticism. which you have to understand that they do believe that the horizon or or skepticism of satellite imagery, social media, and echo chambers can also play a role in reinforcing these beliefs. Now, despite this theory, the overwhelming evidence from satellite images, global navigation, astronomical observations, and the sites of gravity, support that the fact that the earth is around. This belief that NASA, this national astronomical science association, it may be, or aeronautics or aviation, NASA is lying about the shape of the earth and it is in the core part of the flat earth conspiracy theory. @34:56 - Kim Rodriguez (mercesgirl@gmail.com) However, there is incredible evidence of supporting this claim. There is no credible evidence. @35:02 - Skeptic Psychic No, it's this. Oh, no, credible. It could be credible evidence. You never know, but it does not have any credible evidence. Now, the idea is rooted in the broader conspiracy thinking, often linked to deep distrust of government scientific institutions, authoritarian figures, and let's go ahead and explain the exploration of why some people believe NASA is lying. Now, propositions of the theory often allege that NASA and other space agencies are part of a global conspiracy to hide the truth of the flat earth. They argue that photos of the earth from space, including both taken during the Apollo moon landings. @36:00 - Kim Rodriguez (mercesgirl@gmail.com) Are staged But I've got a question Why why why if the earth was really flat, why would they want to hide it? mean, what's the whole point of? Saying oh the earth is round if it's really flat. I mean to me that seems like something really Really mundane for them to be all conspiracy about Well, I mean we have to look at the fact that many Many of the proponents of this theory have a strong distrust Because you know they believe that we are being controlled So it's just another way for them to control us. Yeah, okay. @36:51 - Skeptic Psychic I'm sorry to interrupt continue. Oh go right ahead Uh Now they have a strong distrust of the authority I believe a government scientific organizations and corporations work together again, we're being controlled to control the information and mislead the public. This destruct is often based on skepticism of modern technology and science as well as a belief of hidden agendas and conspiracies. Now, thinking on this theory that platters believe often view that the claim that the earth is browned as part of a vast global conspiracy, again, that they argue that NASA, along with other space agencies and government, fabricate the images, videos and data to where it supports the boss notion of a spherical earth and making it almost seem like it's a round of hearts. However, according to this belief, the moon landings, again, were faked, which we can bring up on a future episode. And space exploration is staged to oscillate images and the manipulation. Do you think that if you could play devil's advocate, do you think that they could actually be doing all this work on the ISS and an outer space inside of a pole? @38:34 - Kim Rodriguez (mercesgirl@gmail.com) To me, it seems like it would be too much energy for something so pointless. I mean, there's a lot of energy that goes into, and money that goes into their supposed bakeries, it's just, I don't know why anybody would put so much time and effort into something so mundane, again, even if it is to control it. it seems like a really, really dumb way to control us. That's my thoughts. Okay. However, they might argue that the deception serves to maintain control over the population. This could be either for financial or political reasons. However, the flat others generally don't offer consistent explanations as to why NASA and other agencies would perpetrate such a deception or what they stand to gain from it. Which goes back to my thoughts, just as I said. It makes no sense. Now, social media and internet forums have allowed misinformation to spread rapidly. There have been echo chambers where people encounter only information that reinforces their beliefs. And these are common in the flat-earth communities. This environment fosters beliefs in a massive cover-up by now. Yes. overwhelming evidence towards the concertary, sorry, words are hard. Contrary to the reliefs, yes. Some misunderstand or misinterpret evidence that relates to space exploration, gravity or astronomical phenomena, do, do, do, example, they might visit, I'm sorry. They might view distortions in camera lenses, lighting effects in space photography, or their own limited observation of the Earth as proof of NASA's dishonesty. The average person does not have the resources to directly observe space. Well, that's kind of not true because I mean, they could buy a telescope. It just don't choose to. But this does make them vulnerable to accepting alternative explanations. especially if they already have a distress with mainstream science. Another common argument among the flat earthers is that NASA perpetuates the lie about the earth being round just to justify its massive budget. They claim that NASA is a money making scheme. I suggest that the funds allocated to the space programs are used for purposes other than space exploration. This is possibly diverted for secretive projects or to enrich certain groups. So I guess when they stopped funding NASA and they started this new space project that are thinking the same thing, I don't know. However, NASA does provide vast amounts of evidence supporting the fact that the earth is round. This includes against satellite images, space missions, such as, again, orbiting the Earth. They also have scientific data on the planet's rotation and gravitational forces. And the images of Earth from space does observe, I'm sorry. The images of Earth from space, observations from the International Space Station, also numerous equipment, I'm sorry, not equipment, but experiments over the centuries consistently demonstrate, again, that the Earth is an ablate, spheroid people. Continue. @42:49 - Skeptic Psychic Yes, we have got to remember. It's around like a bone. @42:55 - Kim Rodriguez (mercesgirl@gmail.com) Yes. @42:57 - Skeptic Psychic Now. The scientific community of this idea about the shape of the Earth is rejected by global scientific community. The spherical shape of the Earth is confirmed through those centuries of evidence, through the century of evidence, as though they were taking a bet. Front, from the works of early astronomers to modern day astrophysics, scientists pointed out that the conspiracy of the magnitude to be true thousand of independent researchers in genetic years, astronomers from countries all over the world, many of the associated with NASA. @43:45 - Kim Rodriguez (mercesgirl@gmail.com) We need that aren't associated with NASA, so people who are not associated with NASA are saying the same thing. @43:54 - Skeptic Psychic They could be, yes, continue. We also need to be part of the deception, which is highly, highly, highly, highly, highly, highly impossible. In conclusion, we like to say, ladies and gentlemen, even though we may say the conclusion is up to you, but it's hard to save an account, the belief that NASA is writing is primarily a product of conspiracy thinking, distrust of authority, this information, while the idea persists among a small group of people. It is not supported by any credible evidence or witnesses. Flat Earth is a post two centuries of scientific discoveries and maintained largely through conspiracy theories and misinformation. The shape of the Earth has been extensively verified and the belief in a flat Earth remains a French pseudoscientific position that is and is not supported. by any representation of scientific institutions or evidence. @45:06 - Kim Rodriguez (mercesgirl@gmail.com) So now we ask you what are your thoughts? Could the earth be flat or are these people looking for something that is not there? Let us know in the comments. Also make sure to like and subscribe that is as it helps the channel and make sure you hit the bell for notifications when we post new episodes. Yes, if you're listening to us on Apple Podcasts, we do like five stars. @45:34 - Skeptic Psychic Yes, now what is your theory? Yes, we do like five stars but we'll take whatever you give us and if you could also leave us a review on Apple Podcasts, that helps our channel as well. And we will read that we are on Spotify so you can act @46:00 - Kim Rodriguez (mercesgirl@gmail.com) So you leave comments there too. Well, I don't know if Spotify allows you to leave comments, but you can do US it does. I was told it doesn't. @46:08 - Skeptic Psychic Oh, yeah, I've left several comments on Spotify. @46:13 - Kim Rodriguez (mercesgirl@gmail.com) Oh, well, you can do it there too then. But what are your thoughts to these people and their conspiracies? @46:23 - Skeptic Psychic My thoughts? Yes, I've already expressed my thoughts. @46:27 - Kim Rodriguez (mercesgirl@gmail.com) No, I mean, we went through all the data, but you haven't said what you think of the width of these people or of this theory. @46:37 - Skeptic Psychic People are strange, but when you're a stranger, faces come out of the walls, you know. Yes, but yeah, I me personally don't believe in the flat earth. But if somebody else believes and they do have some, you know, some ideas and theories of it, I am open to listen. @46:58 - Kim Rodriguez (mercesgirl@gmail.com) There's some really good, I know. Oh, there's a lot of controversy around the YouTuber Shane Dawson, but he, he does an interview with his brother who's a flat earther. And if you listen to it, there is really actually a lot of compelling evidence, not that I would ever believe it, but he does bring up some great topics and ideas. I might link that again, since there's a lot of controversy around this YouTuber, I may not. But yeah, it is something to consider. But again, like I said, I don't see why they would put so much time and effort into faking this world being round with the photos and the moon landing and just, I mean, if there's been that much money to fake it, that money could be used better. @47:55 - Skeptic Psychic You know what I mean? Yep. Stanley Krueger could have. a lot of money. @48:01 - Kim Rodriguez (mercesgirl@gmail.com) Yeah. But regardless, next week, we're gonna have a great topic, talking about leylines and how they are thought to contribute to the hauntings around the world. So as, you know, always when it comes to the ghosties, I'm excited about that one. Any further thoughts before we end tonight, except the sun? @48:30 - Skeptic Psychic Just a couple of things. One, if you do believe in the Flat Earth Theory and want to come on here to discuss, we'll be more than happy to actually discuss the discuss it with you. You can reach us at info at skepticpsychic.com where we will get you set up. But we can have a very nice, wonderful discussion on this topic. We promise we won't make fun of you or anything like that. And we'll listen. We'll have a nice conversation. @49:05 - Kim Rodriguez (mercesgirl@gmail.com) Yes. And with that, we wish everybody a good night and sweet dreams and unpleasant nightmares. Good night, everybody. @49:17 - Skeptic Psychic Good night. @49:25 - Kim Rodriguez (mercesgirl@gmail.com) Okay. I definitely think that this one is I think we're getting better. Yeah, we did stumble over some words, but I think it was more animated. You definitely need to get some glasses, bro. Yeah, I know. Yeah, I miss miss pronounced a couple of names in there and this read a couple of things. ACTION ITEM: Get prescription glasses within 2 weeks - WATCH @49:52 - Skeptic Psychic But I know it's only because you have trouble sitting up. @49:55 - Kim Rodriguez (mercesgirl@gmail.com) Yes. So we need to get you some glasses. Yep. So, um, what time tomorrow are we doing ley lines? @50:04 - Skeptic Psychic Uh, have you already got that? @50:07 - Kim Rodriguez (mercesgirl@gmail.com) Uh, Shawna said she was going to finish working on it today so we could get it done by tomorrow. @50:11 - Skeptic Psychic Okay, six o'clock, same time. @50:14 - Kim Rodriguez (mercesgirl@gmail.com) Okay, so seven my time, six year time. @50:17 - Skeptic Psychic Okay, I will see you there. @50:20 - Kim Rodriguez (mercesgirl@gmail.com) Okay. your hot roast and enjoy your wife's birthday. her feel special like a princess. Oh, she's always my princess. We'll take care, bro. @50:33 - Skeptic Psychic love you. Love you, too. Bye-bye.