Picture being a 12 or 13-year-old girl at your first slumber party. Your friend says, “I know, let’s go call Bloody Mary in the bathroom.” What do you do? This week we take a look into the legend of this mirror traveling specter to try and figure out where she came from and why she uses a mirror to travel. Join us if you dare, but don’t go to the restroom alone.
Holzer Files – https://www.travelchannel.com/shows/holzer-files
Follow Dave Schrader and his team while they reinvestigate some of the most famous cases of Ghost Hunting pioneer Hanz Holzer.
Learn About Ghosts – https://www.facebook.com/groups/LearnAboutGhosts
Join a great group of paranormal enthusiasts while they discuss the supernatural, as well as where you can have fun and feel comfortable asking questions without judgment.
References for Bloody Mary:
Mary Tudor –https://www.biography.com/royalty/mary-tudor
This article discusses the life of Mary Tudor before she took the throne and her reign of England.
Mary Worth – https://www.hauntedrooms.co.uk/the-bloody-mary-legend
Did Mary Worth exist and did she really drink the blood of children to appear more youthful? This article discusses the legend of Mary Worth’s obsession with beauty at the expense of the town’s children. When the parents found out, they put an end to Mary.
The real Bloody Mary – https://observer.com/2008/05/the-story-behind-emsouth-pacificem/
In the musical South Pacific, there was a character by the name of Bloody Mary. In this article, we find out who she really was in life together with how she made it into the story and musical.