This week we chat with Kristy Sumner, co-founder, and member of Soul Sisters Paranormal. Kristy shares some of her experiences with us ghost hunting some of the US’s most well-known haunted locations.
In 2014, Dr. Kristy Sumner coupled her passion for travel, history, and the paranormal when she formed Soul Sisters Paranormal. This is an all-female team, made up of Sumner, her two sisters, and two friends. As a team of 5 investigators, Soul Sisters Paranormal traveled to some of the most historic and, reportedly, haunted locations in the U.S. Their goal was to determine if spirit activity does exist. Also, they wanted to highlight the rich history of each location.
In addition, each member of the team is an accomplished professional in her respective field. Each holds a Masters’s, Ph.D., or JD degree. The team traveled to and investigated numerous US locations. Some of their most famous include the Trans Allegheny Lunatic Asylum (WV), The Lizzie Borden House (MA)> They have also been to the Villisca Ax Murder House (IA), the St. Augustine Lighthouse (FL), Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary (TN), and many others.
Furthermore, In 2020, Soul Sisters Paranormal moved to a two-investigator format, where only Kristy and her twin sister, Dr. Jenny Sumner conducting the paranormal investigations.
Prior to forming Soul Sister Paranormal, Kristy, who holds a Ph.D. in Public Affairs with an emphasis on Criminal Justice, was a senior director for a Registered Traveler company. Which was focused on biometric clearances for the traveling public. She was a senior consultant for a biometric credentialing company. Also, she was a college professor at Metro State College of Denver and the University of Central Florida.
Where to find out more about Kristy and Soul Sister Paranormal
You can find out more about Kristy and Soul Sister Paranormal on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/soulsistersparanormal. Also, they have a youtube channel where you can catch all the latest videos and recordings of their investigations and more on https://www.youtube.com/c/SoulSistersParanormal. Finally, they have a website you can check out through https://www.soulsistersparanormal.com.